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Detection of traffic signs in real-world images: The German traffic sign detection benchmark

  • Authors: S. Houben, J. Stallkamp, J. Salmen, M. Schlipsing and C. Igel
  • (2014).
  • Publication types: Article
  • URL Publication: Detection of traffic signs in real-world images: The German traffic sign detection benchmark
  • Publication Title (name of the book or magazine): International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN).
  • No.(2013) pp.1-8

  • Abstract:

    Real-time detection of traffic signs, the task of pinpointing a traffic sign's location in natural images, is a challenging computer vision task of high industrial relevance. Various algorithms have been proposed, and advanced driver assistance systems supporting detection and recognition of traffic signs have reached the market. Despite the many competing approaches, there is no clear consensus on what the state-of-the-art in this field is. This can be accounted to the lack of comprehensive, unbiased comparisons of those methods. We aim at closing this gap by the “German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark” presented as a competition at IJCNN 2013 (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks). We introduce a real-world benchmark data set for traffic sign detection together with carefully chosen evaluation metrics, baseline results, and a web-interface for comparing approaches. In our evaluation, we separate sign detection from classification, but still measure the performance on relevant categories of signs to allow for benchmarking specialized solutions. The considered baseline algorithms represent some of the most popular detection approaches such as the Viola-Jones detector based on Haar features and a linear classifier relying on HOG descriptors. Further, a recently proposed problem-specific algorithm exploiting shape and color in a model-based Houghlike voting scheme is evaluated. Finally, we present the best-performing algorithms of the IJCNN competition.

  • DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.2013.6706807