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Managing cultural diversity


The strategies for managing cultural diversity that make it possible to generate cohesive societies as a political response to the fact of diversity are analysed. These are approached from a twofold perspective: first, multilevel governance, and second, the relationship between the institutional framework and socio-cultural dynamics. Within this framework, the conditions of insertion in public services are specifically highlighted. Given that managing cultural diversity implies a strategy in favour of coexistence and promotion of the diversity of the cultural groups existing in a territory, this line of work explores in depth the design and elaboration of plans for ethnic and cultural diversity or intercultural coexistence (municipal, university, etc.); the perspective of intersectionality between gender and cultural diversity and, finally, the challenge of considering the cultural diversity approach as a transversal principle for its application in different areas and sectors.


intercultural management, institutional framework, socio-cultural dynamics, multilevel governance, public services

Frascati classification