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3D Microscopy

In this line of research, new non-invasive microscopy techniques with high optical sectioning are developed, such as confocal microscopy, structured illumination microscopy (SIM) or digital holographic microscopy (DHM).


3D image and 3D display

Development in the implementation of 3D image capture techniques based on taking multiple images with different perspectives. This multi-perspective information allows both the reconstruction of the original 3D scene and the development of new 3D digital processing techniques.

Cognitive endophenotypes and biomarkers in schizophrenic / bipolar patients and their first-degree relatives

Molecular and genetic basis of neurocognitive alterations in patients with SMI, in order to develop biomarkers, diagnostic assessment tools and therapeutic interventions helping to improve the functional prognosis, the autonomy and the life quality of these people.

Development of cellular models from cells of patients with RRD

Immortalisation of monocytes and hepatocytes from patients with severe AATD (ZZ). Cell cultures derived from nasal ciliated epithelium by using the Air-Liquid technique (ALI).

Diffractive lenses

Diffractive lenses are very interesting elements because they are compact, lightweight and economical optical components. In this line of research, new designs are being developed for application in ophthalmology in the form of both intraocular (IOL) lenses and contact lenses.

Diffractive optics and pulse optics

Optical devices for manipulating pulses of tens of femtoseconds by using diffractive optical elements allowing spatial control of the wavefront of the pulsed beam, as well as the shaping of the temporal envelope of the ultra-short pulses.

Direct and inverse multimorbidity in patients with complex diseases like CNS disorders, cancer or metabolic diseases.

Comprehend the unexpected associations between apparently different diseases, like cancer and certain diseases of the central nervous system.

Evolutionary Systems Biology

Study of the evolution of complete genomes and the genes present in them, with special emphasis on bacteria and viruses.

Evolutionary genetics

The main research lines are: i) Evolution of symbiosis ii) Synthetic biology iii) Genetic study of aphids

Experimental evolution of viruses

We use viruses as model organisms in the laboratory to study evolutionary processes on an experimental basis.

Fragility prevention

Prevention of fragility signs in populations at risk by assessing human functions (functional and neurocognitive assessment) and by incorporating nutritional medicine studies on Omega 3.

Gene therapy in RRD

Genome editing and repair by using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and non-viral gene therapy techniques of the Z mutation of the SERPINA1 gene that encodes for the alpha-1 antitrypsin gene in monocytes and hepatocytes of patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

Global burden of disease

Networking on the burden of disease.

Identification of the specific mechanisms of cell deregulation that facilitate their diagnosis/prognosis

RRDs are very complex and are associated with alterations in multiple metabolic pathways. An important aspect for the RRD diagnosis, prognosis and treatment is to identify the aberrant changes that may occur in these metabolic pathways and to elucidate their connection with  the disease. In this regard, we will use high performance trials such as microarrays and mass sequencing for the analysis of biological samples from patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and primary ciliary dyskinesia syndrome in order to identify possible metabolic pathways involved in the development of these diseases, and with the aim, in turn, of identifying new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers (including treatment response) and of identifying new therapeutic targets.

Membrane Protein assembly

Our goal is to explore the mechanistic principles of membrane protein insertion, folding and assembly into lipid membranes and to investigate the factors that determine membrane protein stability.

Membrane Protein proteomics

Overexpression of membrane proteins is often essential for structural and functional studies, but yields are frequently too low. Therefore, we investigate the consequences of overexpression of different membrane proteins in search for new components to improve such yields.

Modelling and design of photonic devices

Modelling and design of waveguides and other photonic devices, such as photonic-crystal fibers, integrated semiconductor and dielectric guides and resonators, fibre optic lasers, or metamaterials.

Molecular epidemiology of rotavirus and norovirus infections

This line of research focuses on the study of the epidemiology of rotavirus and norovirus through the application of molecular techniques (RT-PCR, qPCR, cDNA sequencing, etc.) and the detection of new variants of viral genotypes.

Molecular epidemiology

Use of genetic and genomic information of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria and viruses) to study their spread in human populations and in their natural reservoirs, complementing the tasks of epidemiological care and control.

Pathogenesis and immune response of enteric virus infections: rotavirus and norovirus

The aim of this line of research is to study the pathogenic mechanisms and the immune response of infections by the two main enteric viruses (rotavirus and norovirus).

Simulation of chemical processes in biological environments

Study by computational tools of chemical reactions in enzymes and aqueous solution by means of QM/MM Molecular Dynamica.

Study of REDOX biology in patients with RRD

Study by means of Flow Cytometry techniques of REDOX biology in patients with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Syndrome.

Study of virus / microbiota / host interactions

The aim of this line of research is to study the interactions that occur between enteric viruses and the host without excluding the interactions that occur between enteric viruses and the intestinal microbiota or the interaction between the intestinal microbiota and the host.

Viral mutation and evolution

Using various experimental approaches, we aim to identify and characterise mechanisms in the generation of RNA virus diversity, and to obtain quantitative estimates of mutation rates in RNA viruses.

Virtual communities, social innovation and knowledge management

To study virtual communities and networks as a mechanism for social innovation and a way of managing and sharing knowledge.  On the one hand, organisational management strategies (facilitating conditions, existing rules for sharing or support from the community manager) are analysed, as well as structural factors (leadership and prestige of the community) and their influence on the results for users and professionals (sense of community, quality of knowledge, proactive participation, satisfaction, innovation...). In addition, the influence that technological (navigation, interactivity), personal (expectations of results, self-efficacy) and/or motivational (identification, reciprocity and confidence) factors may have on efficient functioning is also studied. To this end, the perceptions of users or professionals of virtual communities of practice in relation to the aforementioned variables are analysed. The results allow us to outline a set of guidelines oriented towards the efficient design and optimal management of these virtual communities.

Well-being and performance in virtual teams: subgroups and emotional competencies

The general objective of this line of research is to analyse the individual and collective well-being of the VTs, as well as the impact that the creation of subgroups and the development of the group's emotional management can have on both their well-being and their effectiveness. To do so, a longitudinal experimental study is developed, where four different experimental conditions are considered, as a result of the combination of the two central variables: creation or not of subgroups and training or not in emotional management.  An interactive platform is used with different applications created ad-hoc for this purpose. All the groups are made up of four people and work over five working sessions solving tasks of an individual and collective nature. The results will contribute to the design of healthy virtual teams, with members with high well-being and at the same time effective. As well as the design of specific training programmes in emotional management for virtual collaborative contexts.