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Migrant groups in situations of exclusion


A segment of immigration faces conditions of precariousness and social exclusion. A social insertion on the margins that manifests itself in different degrees of residential exclusion, social rejection, administrative irregularity, subsistence economic activities, etc. In this sense, Romani migration is a particular case in point. It is a community-based, family-based migration, with high levels of poverty and social stigmatisation at origin and destination. Adequately capturing these phenomena is of particular interest for the development of inclusive social policies. The ethnographic perspective, combined with other techniques, is suitable for this purpose, facilitating the approach to a reality that is often invisible to the usual statistics and records. This line of work addresses aspects such as their migratory projects, residential integration, economic strategies and sociability and social participation, paying attention to the factors that hinder or favour their access to and normalised use of public services and, in short, their social integration.


brain drain, skilled migrants

Frascati classification