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Migration and the labour market


Migrant workers have inserted themselves into an increasingly polarised and fragmented labour market. Although there is a wide heterogeneity of immigrant workers, the vast majority have entered the labour market and the productive structure "from below", with a high sectoral concentration and in low-skilled jobs, regardless of the qualifications of the person who performs them. This type of insertion and their working conditions, with rates of temporary employment, over-qualification and unemployment that are much higher than those of the native population, are dealt with along these lines. Although the idea that immigrants take jobs away from the native population is false, it is no less true that our productive structure has changed and that, as in other European countries, it can be described as an ethno-fragmented structure in which the position occupied depends not only on qualifications and experience but also on ethno-cultural origin. 

All this has profound labour and social implications which are the subject of research in this line.


Migrant workers, labour market, ethno-fragmented production structure, working conditions, ethnic niches

Manager UV
  • Esteban Apreda, Fernando Osvaldo
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
  • Secretari/a d' Institut Universitari
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