Master's Degree in Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

The objective of this Master is to prepare students in the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology fields in order to be able to carry out a professional career in this area or a research activity leading to a doctoral thesis. This Master encompasses several disciplines: chemistry, physics, engineering, materials science, biochemistry, pharmacy and medicine.
The syllabus of the Master is somewhere in between the Nanoscience/Nanotechnology fields and the molecular systems. Therefore, it explores scientific areas of increasing interest such as Molecular Electronics, Molecular Magnetism, Supramolecular Chemistry, Surfaces Chemistry or Molecular Materials Science.
The interuniversity master has two basic goals:

a) To lay down a national excellence standard in Molecular Science to empower students to research in this area or for them to gain useful knowledge and skills to be able to develop a career in high technology companies.

b) To create a multidisciplinary and competitive scientific community in Spain to research in these subjects. In this respect, the master is a suitable framework for the promotion of mobility and interaction between students from different scientific areas and contacts with other universities, research centres and companies operating in this area.

On completion of the course, students will be trained, on a multidisciplinary basis, in chemical aspects related with nanoscience (nanoscience bottom-up approach for the design of functional molecules and supramolecular structures; intermolecular interactions; molecular self-assembly and self-organisation) and in physical ones (nanomanufacturing top-down approach, physical manipulation techniques, organisation and characterisation of nanomaterials).

Master's Degree in Chemistry

The Master's Degree in Chemistry is focused on Chemistry graduates but also on those who have licensed in Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Materials Science or Nanotechnology, even those highly qualified graduates (graduates and engineers) who want to expand their professional carreers into the activities that this Master offers. This Master offers to its graduates a professional view on investigation, development and innovative activities inside the industry. We also offer the possibility of carrying out a PhD in order to delve into their academic carreers. There are many terms related to Chemistry: Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Process Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Forensic Chemistry, Chemical engineering, Industrial Chemistry and more recently; Nanochemistry and Neurochemistry, among others. That is why the applicant’s profile can be different to the ones graduated in Chemistry.
The aim of the Màster Universitario en Química is to go in depth into the four basic branches of Chemistry, contributing to joint solutions when it is necessary. Due to the general character of the subjects given it necessary to assure a high level training education that take into account the following goals:

a) To provide an advanced training in Chemistry, so the graduated student could deal with complex Chemistry problems in a research environment as well as in an industrial application.

b) To provide the necessary training for the developing of a professional carreer both in the several fields of the Chemistry industry and those focused on the environmental control, quality management, etc.

c) To provide the adecuate training to those graduates who search for a professional development at an academic level through the elaboration of a doctoral thesis.

Master's Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

The TCCM Master is meant to prepare experts in using and developing molecular sciences computational techniques to either work with innovative pharmaceutical, petrochemical and new-materials industries or to follow future doctoral studies in Chemistry, Physics, Life or Material Sciences.
It is articulated in 120 ECTS credits and can be accessed by students having a Bachelor in Chemistry, in Physics or in Material Science. Other scientific bachelors can also be accepted (provided that the student integrates his/her preparation as recommended by the local Tutor).
TCCM has been recognised as Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree under the Erasmus+ Programme.
This imply:

a) A Joint Master programme among the Universities Autónoma de Madrid, Valencia, Toulouse, Perugia, Porto, Groningen and Leuven.

b) A two years master -120 ECTS- the first year done at National level, the second in common courses among the 7 universities.

c) Possibility to apply to the grant programme for non-europeans and europeans students.

Master's Degree in Sustainable Chemistry

The Official PhD Program on Sustainable Chemistry has a inter-university character and includes the Master and PhD Degrees on Sustainable Chemistry. It is based on the Interuniversity Program of PhD on Sustainable Chemistry which has the Quality Mention of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. The Program has the support of the Spanish Technological Platform for Sustainable Chemistry and is supported by Banco Santander Central Hispano.