- BADIA VALIENTE, JOSE DAVIDPDI-Titular d'Universitat+Cap de Seccio-Servei+Cap Iniciativa Per a Sostenibilitat
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Marta Izquierdo; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Laura Martí; Alicia Monleón; José David Badia. 2023 Stability of superhydrophobicity and structure of PVDF membranes treated by vacuum oxygen plasma and organofluorosilanisation Membranes Volum 13. Número 314.
- José David Badia; Amparo Cháfer; O. Gil-Castell; Laura Pastor; Marta Izquierdo; Maria Desamparados Hernáiz-Pérez; Juan Bautista Giménez; Jordi Carrillo-Abad; Angeliki Giannakopoulou; Anastasia Giannakopoulou; Alessia Scotti Belli; Paola Maciariello; Giovanna Maciariello; Alberto Di Pierro; Mario Capasso; Benedetta Ferroleto. 2023 Gad project: Game creation in augmented reality (AR) enhancing professional digital skills - an opportunity to support teaching in technical disciplines INTED proceedings
- A. M. Elzayat; I. Adam-Cervera; M. Albus; A. Cháfer; J. D. Badia; F. F. Pérez-Pla; R. Muñoz-Espí. 2023 Polysaccharide/Silica Microcapsules Prepared via Ionic Gelation Combined with Spray Drying: Application in the Release of Hydrophilic Substances and Catalysis Polymers Volum 15.
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Beatriz María Moreno-Torralbo; Jose David Badía; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Marta Izquierdo. 2022 Flat PVDF Membrane with Enhanced Hydrophobicity through Alkali Activation and Organofluorosilanisation for Dissolved Methane Recovery Membranes Volum 12. Número 4.
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles ; Carmen Gabaldón ; José Davd Badía ; Marta Izquierdo ; Vicente Martínez-Soria. 2022 Recovery of dissolved methane through a flat sheet module with PDMS, PP, and PVDF membranes Separation and Purification Technology Volum 282. Número Part B.
- Cumplido, M.-P; CHAFER, A; Guayazan-Jaimes, J.I; de la Torre, J; Badia, J.D. 2022 Potential of phosphonium-based ionic liquids to purify 1-propanol from water by liquid-liquid extraction at mild conditions Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Volum 165. Número 106588.
- Oscar Gil-Castell; Pablo Reyes-Contreras; Pabla Andrea Barra; Regis Teixeira Mendonça; Isabel Carrillo-Varela; José David Badia; Angels Serra; Ribes-Greus. 2022 The Role of Eucalyptus Species on the Structural and Thermal Performance of Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) Isolated by Acid Hydrolysis Polymers Volum 14. Número 3.
- O.Gil-Castell; I. Ontoria-Oviedo; J.D. Badia; E. Amaro-Prellezo; P. Sepúlveda; A. Ribes-Greus. 2021 Conductive polycaprolactone/gelatin/polyaniline nanofibres as functional scaffolds for cardiac tissue regeneration Reactive & Functional Polymers Volum 170.
- B. Pascual-Jose; J.D. Badia; A. Múgica; Frederic Addiego; Alejandro J. Müller; A. Ribes-Greus. 2021 Analysis of plasticization and reprocessing effects on the segmental cooperativity of polylactide by dielectric thermal spectroscopy Polymer Volum 223.
- R. Teruel-Juanes; K.A. Bogdanowicz; J.D. Badia; V. Sáenz de Jauno-Arbona; R. Graf; J.A. Reina; M. Giamberini; A. Ribes-Greus. 2021 Molecular Mobility in Oriented and Unoriented Membranes Based on Poly[2-(Aziridin-1-yl)ethanol] Polymers Volum 13. Número 7.
- María Hernáiz-Pérez; Javier Álvarez-Hornos; José David Badia; Juan Bautista Giménez; Ángel Robles; Victoria Ruano; Pau San-Valero. 2021 Contextualized project-based learning for training chemical engineersin graphic expression Education For Chemical Engineers Volum 34.
- J.D. Badia; R.Teruel-Juanes; Y. Echegoyen; S.Torres-Giner; J.M.Lagarón; A.Ribes-Greus. 2021 Effect of graphene nanoplatelets on the dielectric permittivity and segmental motions of electrospun poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) nanofibers Polymer Degradation and Stability Volum 183.
- O. Gil-Castell; J.D. Badia; I. Ontoria-Oviedo; D. Castellano; P. Sepúlveda; A. Ribes-Greus. 2019 Polycaprolactone/gelatin-based scaffolds with tailored performance: in vitro and in vivo validation Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications Volum 107.
- Gil-Castell, O.; Cerveró, R.; Teruel-Juanes, R.; Badia, J. D.; Ribes-Greus, A. 2019 Functionalised poly (vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide as polymer composite electrolyte membranes Journal Of Renewable Materials Volum 7. Número 7.
- Gil-Castell, O., Teruel-Juanes, R., Arenga, F., Salaberria, A. M., Baschetti, M. G., Labidi, J.; Badia, J.D.; Ribes-Greus, A. 2019 Crosslinked chitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol)-based polyelectrolytes for proton exchange membranes Reactive & Functional Polymers Volum 142.
- Gil-Castell, O.; Badia, J.D.; Bou, J.; Ribes-Greus, A. 2019 Performance of polyester-based electrospun scaffolds under in vitro hydrolytic conditions: From short-term to long-term applications Nanomaterials Volum 9. Número 5.
- Gil-Castell, O; Galindo-Alfaro, D; Sánchez-Ballester, S; Teruel-Juanes, R; Badia, J. D; Ribes-Greus, A. 2019 Crosslinked Sulfonated Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Graphene Oxide Electrospun Nanofibers as Polyelectrolytes Nanomaterials Volum 9. Número 3.
- Badia, J. D.; Teruel-Juanes, R.; Acebo, C.; Gil-Castell, O.; Serra, A.; Ribes-Greus, A. 2019 Dielectric spectroscopy of novel thiol-ene/epoxy thermosets obtained from allyl-modified hyperbranched poly (ethyleneimine) and diglycidylether of bisphenol A European Polymer Journal Volum 113.
- C Moliner; JD Badia; B Bosio; E Arato; R Teruel-Juanes; T Kittikorn; E Strömberg; M Ek; S Karlsson; A Ribes-Greus. 2018 Thermal kinetics for the energy valorisation of polylactide/sisal biocomposites Thermochimica Acta Volum 670.
- O Gil-Castell; JD Badia; S Ingles-Mascaros; R Teruel-Juanes; A Serra; A Ribes-Greus. 2018 Polylactide-based self-reinforced composites biodegradation: Individual and combined influence of temperature, water and compost Polymer Degradation and Stability Volum 1518.
- AM Salaberría; R Teruel-Juanes; JD Badia; SCM Fernandes; V Sáenz de Juano-Arbona; J Labidi; A Ribes-Greus. 2018 Influence of chitin nanocrystals on the dielectric behaviour and conductivity of chitosan-based bionanocomposites Composites Science and Technology Volum 167.
- Sergio Torres-Giner; Yolanda Echegoyen; Roberto Teruel-Juanes; Jose D. Badia; Amparo Ribes-Greus; Jose M. Lagaron. 2018 Electrospun Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol)/Graphene Nanoplatelets Composites of Interest in Intelligent Food Packaging Applications Nanomaterials Volum 8. Número 10.
- Moliner, C; Teruel-Juanes, R; Primaz, CT; Badia, JD; Bosio, B; Campins-Falco, P; Molins-Legua, C; Hernandez, F; Sanjuan-Navarro, L; Madramany, P; Moran, J; Castro, J; Sanchis, FJ; Martinez, JD; Hiddink, F; Ribes-Greus, A; Arato, E. 2018 Reduction of Nitrates in waste water through the valorization of rice straw: LIFE LIBERNITRATE Project Sustainability Volum 10. Número 9.
- O Gil-Castell; JD Badia; A Ribes-Greus. 2018 Suitability of Blends from Virgin and Reprocessed Polylactide: Performance and Energy Valorization Kinetics Journal Of Renewable Materials Volum 6. Número 4.
- O Gil-Castell, JD Badia, A Ribes-Greus. 2018 Tailored electrospun nanofibrous polycaprolactone/gelatin scaffolds into an acid hydrolytic solvent system European Polymer Journal Volum 101.
Publicacions en revistes
- Kashiri, M.; Cerisuelo, J. P.; Domínguez, I.; López-Carballo, G.; Muriel-Galet, V.; Gavara, R.; Hernández-Muñoz, P. (2017) Zein films and coatings as carriers and release systems of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil for antimicrobial food packaging. Food Hydrocolloids , 70, pp. 260 - 268 . ISSN: 0268-005X
- Mª Pilar Cumplido; María Cuenca-Navarro; Amparo Cháfer; Javier de la Torre, Josep Pasqual Cerisuelo (2020) Study of the capability of 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquid as solvent in the separation of water from 1-propanol or 2-propanol at different temperatures. Journal of Molecular Liquids , 318(114083) . ISSN: 0167-7322
- M.A. Pilar Cumplido; Javier De la Torre; Josep P. Cerisuelo; Amparo Cháfer (2023) Effect of the anion in phosphonium-based ionic liquids to recovery efficiently 2-propanol from an azeotropic mixture with water. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 574(113884), pp. 1 - 12 . ISSN: 0378-3812
Publicacions en revistes
- Rafael Gavara; Ramón Català; Josep Pasqual Cerisuelo; Pilar Hernández-Muñoz, (2018). Chapter 30 - Gas transport properties in packaging applications. Transport properties of polymeric membranes. . (pp. 651 - 672). .
- Hernández-Muñoz, P.; Cerisuelo, J. P.; López-Carballo, G.; Català, R.; Gavara, R., (2019). 9 - Improving polymer and biopolymer performance through the use of nanofillers. Nanomaterials for food applications.. . (pp. 205 - 232). .
Altres Publicacions
- O. Gil-Castell; J.D. Badia; R. Teruel-Juanes; I. Rodríguez; F. Meseguer; A. Ribes-Greus (2015) Novel silicon microparticles to improve sunlight stability of raw polypropylene. European Polymer Journal , 70, pp. 247 - 261 . ISSN: 0014-3057
- O. Gil-Castell; J.D. Badia; T. Kittikorn; E. Strömberg ; M. Ek ; S. Karlsson; A. Ribes-Greus (2016) Impact of hydrothermal ageing on the thermal stability, morphology and viscoelastic performance of PLA/sisal biocomposites. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 132, pp. 87 - 96 . ISSN: 0141-3910
- O. Gil-Castell; J.D. Badia; E. Strömberg; S. Karlsson; A. Ribes-Greus (2017) Effect of the dissolution time into an acid hydrolytic solvent to taylor electrospun nanofibrous polycaprolactone scaffolds. European Polymer Journal , 87, pp. 174 - 187 . ISSN: 0014-3057
- J.D. Badia; O. Gil-Castell; A. Ribes-Greus (2017) Long-term properties and end-of-life of polymers from renewable resources. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 137, pp. 35 - 57 . ISSN: 0141-3910
- O Gil-Castell; JD Badia; S Ingles-Mascaros; R Teruel-Juanes; A Serra; A Ribes-Greus (2018) Polylactide-based self-reinforced composites biodegradation: Individual and combined influence of temperature, water and compost. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 1518, pp. 40 - 51 . ISSN: 0141-3910
- O Gil-Castell; JD Badia; I Ontoria-Oviedo; D Castellano; B Marco; A Raba; JJ Bou; A Serra; L Monreal; M Blanes; P Sepúlveda; A Ribes-Greus (2018) In vitro validation of biomedical polyester-based scaffolds: Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) as model-case. Polymer Testing , 66, pp. 256 - 267 . ISSN: 0142-9418
- O Gil-Castell; JD Badia; A Ribes-Greus (2018) Suitability of Blends from Virgin and Reprocessed Polylactide: Performance and Energy Valorization Kinetics. Journal Of Renewable Materials , 6(4), pp. 370 - 382 . ISSN: 2164-6325
- O Gil-Castell, JD Badia, A Ribes-Greus (2018) Tailored electrospun nanofibrous polycaprolactone/gelatin scaffolds into an acid hydrolytic solvent system. European Polymer Journal , 101, pp. 273 - 281 . ISSN: 0014-3057
- Gil-Castell, O; Galindo-Alfaro, D; Sánchez-Ballester, S; Teruel-Juanes, R; Badia, J. D; Ribes-Greus, A. (2019) Crosslinked Sulfonated Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Graphene Oxide Electrospun Nanofibers as Polyelectrolytes. Nanomaterials , 9(3), p. 397 . ISSN: 2079-4991
- Badia, J. D.; Teruel-Juanes, R.; Acebo, C.; Gil-Castell, O.; Serra, A.; Ribes-Greus, A (2019) Dielectric spectroscopy of novel thiol-ene/epoxy thermosets obtained from allyl-modified hyperbranched poly (ethyleneimine) and diglycidylether of bisphenol A. European Polymer Journal , 113, pp. 98 - 106 . ISSN: 0014-3057
- Gil-Castell, O.; Badia, J.D.; Bou, J.; Ribes-Greus, A (2019) Performance of polyester-based electrospun scaffolds under in vitro hydrolytic conditions: From short-term to long-term applications. Nanomaterials , 9(5), p. 786 . ISSN: 2079-4991
- Gil-Castell, O.; Cerveró, R.; Teruel-Juanes, R.; Badia, J. D.; Ribes-Greus, A (2019) Functionalised poly (vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide as polymer composite electrolyte membranes. Journal Of Renewable Materials , 7(7), pp. 651 - 661 . ISSN: 2164-6325
- Gil-Castell, O., Teruel-Juanes, R., Arenga, F., Salaberria, A. M., Baschetti, M. G., Labidi, J.; Badia, J.D.; Ribes-Greus, A (2019) Crosslinked chitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol)-based polyelectrolytes for proton exchange membranes. Reactive & Functional Polymers , 142, pp. 213 - 222 . ISSN: 1381-5148
- Karina Rojas; Daniel Canales; Nicolas Amigo; Lissette Montoille; Alejandro Cament, Lina M. Rivas; O. Gil-Castell; Pablo Reyes; Maria Teresa Ulloa; A. Ribes-Greus; Paula A. Zapata (2019) Effective antimicrobial materials based on low-density polyethylene (LDPE) with zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles. Composites Part B-Engineering , 172, pp. 173 - 178 . ISSN: 1359-8368
- Pabla A. Barra; Katherine Márquez; O. Gil-Castell; Javiera Mújica; A. Ribes-Greus; Mirko Faccini (2019) Spray-drying performance and thermal stability of L-ascorbic acid microencapsulated with sodium alginate and gum arabic. Molecules , 24, p. 2872 . ISSN: 1420-3049
- O. Gil-Castell; J.D. Badia; I. Ontoria-Oviedo; D. Castellano; P. Sepúlveda; A. Ribes-Greus (2019) Polycaprolactone/gelatin-based scaffolds with tailored performance: in vitro and in vivo validation. Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications , 107, p. 110296 . ISSN: 1873-0191
- Javiera Mujica Álvarez; O. Gil-Castell; Pabla A. Barra; A. Ribes-Greus; Rubén Bustos; Mirko Faccini; Silvia Matiacevich (2020) Encapsulation of vitamins A and E as spray-dried additives for the feed industry. Molecules , 25, p. 1357 . ISSN: 1420-3049
- Oscar Gil-Castell; Óscar Santiago; Borja Pascual-Jose; Emilio Navarro; Teresa J. Leo; Amparo Ribes-Greus (2020) Performance of Sulfonated Poly(Vinyl Alcohol)/Graphene Oxide Polyelectrolytes for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells. Energy Technology , 8(7), p. 2000124 . ISSN: 2194-4288
- C. González-Guisasola; O. Gil-Castell; R. Teruel-Juanes; A. Ribes-Greus (2020) Influence of the Molecular Weight on PVA/GO Composite Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications. Journal Of Renewable Materials , 8(9), pp. 1171 - 1180 . ISSN: 2164-6325
- O. Gil-Castell; R. Andres-Puche; E. Dominguez; E. Verdejo; L. Monreal; A. Ribes-Greus (2020) Influence of substrate and temperature on the biodegradation of polyester-based materials: Polylactide and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) as model cases. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 108, p. 109288 . ISSN: 0141-3910
- Roberto Teruel-Juanes; Carmen del Río; Oscar Gil-Castell; Carmem Primaz; Amparo Ribes-Greus (2021) Triblock SEBS/DVB crosslinked and sulfonated membranes: Fuel cell performance and conductivity. Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 138(28), p. 50671 . ISSN: 0021-8995
- Francesca Antonella Sepúlveda; Francisca Rivera; Carlos Loyo; Daniel Canales; Viviana Moreno-Serna; Rosario Benavente; Lina María Rivas; María Teresa Ulloa; Oscar Gil-Castell; Amparo Ribes-Greus; J. Andrés Ortiz; Paula A. Zapata (2021) Poly (lactic acid)/D-limonene/ZnO bio-nanocomposites with antimicrobial properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 139(4), p. 51542 . ISSN: 0021-8995
- O.Gil-Castell; I. Ontoria-Oviedo; J.D. Badia; E. Amaro-Prellezo; P. Sepúlveda; A. Ribes-Greus (2021) Conductive polycaprolactone/gelatin/polyaniline nanofibres as functional scaffolds for cardiac tissue regeneration. Reactive & Functional Polymers , 170, p. 105064 . ISSN: 1381-5148
- O. Gil-Castell; N. Mascia; C. Primaz; F. Vásqez-Garay; M. G. Baschetti; A. Ribes-Greus (2021) Brewer's spent grains as biofuels in combustion-based energy recovery processes: Evaluation of thermo-oxidative decomposition. Fuel , 312, p. 122955 . ISSN: 0016-2361
- Oscar Gil-Castell; Pablo Reyes-Contreras; Pabla Andrea Barra; Regis Teixeira Mendonça; Isabel Carrillo-Varela; José David Badia; Angels Serra; Ribes-Greus (2022) The Role of Eucalyptus Species on the Structural and Thermal Performance of Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) Isolated by Acid Hydrolysis. Polymers , 14(3), p. 423 . ISSN: 2073-4360
- O. Gil-Castell; M. H. Wolf; J. Cea; J. C. Carrasco; M. Giacinti Baschetti; A. Ribes-Greus (2022) Structure-Properties Relationship of Reprocessed Bionanocomposites of Plasticized Polylactide Reinforced with Nanofibrillated Cellulose. Applied Sciences , 12(24), p. 12821 . ISSN: 1454-5101
- J.D. Badia; O. Gil-Castell; R. Teruel-Juanes; A. Ribes-Greus (2017) Durabilidad y degradación de plásticos: la falsa dicotomía del diseño para la sostenibilidad. Revista AVEP (Asociación Valenciana de Empresarios de Plásticos) (109), pp. 18 - 21
- M. H. Wolf; O. Gil-Castell; J. Cea; J. C. Carrasco; A. Ribes-Greus (2022) Degradation of Plasticised Poly(lactide) Composites with Nanofibrillated Cellulose in Different Hydrothermal Environments. Journal of Polymers and The Environment . ISSN: 1566-2543
- C. Primaz; O. Gil-Castell; A. Ribes-Greus (2023) Strategies towards thermochemical valorisation of spent coffee grounds (SCG): Kinetic analysis of the thermal and thermo-oxidative decomposition. Biomass & Bioenergy , 174, p. 106840 . ISSN: 0961-9534
- S.F. Llopis; E. Verdejo; O. Gil-Castell; A. Ribes-Greus (2024) Partial glycolytic depolymerisation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) in the solid state: Modelling the contribution of time and temperature. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 221, p. 110695 . ISSN: 0141-3910
Publicacions en revistes
- J. D. Badia; O. Gil-Castell; R. Teruel-Juanes: A. Ribes-Greus, (2020). Recycling of Polylactide. Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials. . Volum. 2 . (pp. 282 - 295). .
Altres Publicacions
- IZQUIERDO SANCHIS, MARTAPDI-Titular d'Universitat+Coordinador/a de Mobilitat+Coordinador/a de Mobilitat+Coordinador/a Curs+Coordinador/a Curs
- M. Izquierdo; C. Gabaldón; P. Marzal. 2014 Modeling of the effect of EDTA on copper(II) biosorption onto Posidonia oceanica waste in batch and fixed-bed systems Journal Of The Taiwan Institute Of Chemical Engineers Volum 45. Número 2.
- J.W. Chung; J.W. Foppen; M. Izquierdo; P. N. L. Lens. 2014 Removal of Escherichia coli from saturated sand columns supplemented with hydrochar produced from maize Journal of Environmental Quality Volum 43. Número 6.
- M. Izquierdo; C. Gabaldón; P. Marzal. 2013 Interference of EDTA in the treatment of metal plating wastewater by biosorption Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Volum 88.
- Kannan Pakshirajan; Marta Izquierdo; Piet Lens. 2013 Arsenic(III) Removal at Low Concentrations by Biosorption Using Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Pellets Separation Science and Technology Volum 48. Número 7.
- M. Izquierdo; P. Marzal; P.N.L Lens. 2013 Effect of Organic Ligands on Copper(II) Removal from Metal Plating Wastewater by Orange Peel-based Biosorbents Water AIR and Soil Pollution Volum 224.
- M. Izquierdo, P. Marzal, C. Gabaldon, M. Silvetti, P. Castaldi. 2012 Study of the interaction mechanism in the biosorption of copper(II) ions onto Posidonia oceanica and peat Clean-Soil Air Water Volum 40. Número 4.
- F.J. Álvarez-Hornos; M. Izquierdo; V. Martínez-Soria; J. M. Penya-roja; F. Sempere; C. Gabaldón. 2011 Influence of ground tire rubber on the transient loading response of a peat biofilter Journal of Environmental Management Volum 92.
- M. Izquierdo, C. Gabaldón, P. Marzal, F.J. Alvarez-Hornos. 2010 Modeling of copper fixed-bed biosorption from wastewater by Posidonia oceanica Bioresource Technology Volum 101. Número 2.
- M. Izquierdo, C. Gabaldón, P. Marzal, F. Sempere. 2010 Sorption of copper by a highly mineralized peat in batch and packed-bed systems Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Volum 85. Número 2.
- Feliu Sempere, Vicente Martínez-Soria, Josep-Manuel Penya-roja, Marta Izquierdo, Jordi Palau, Carmen Gabaldón. 2010 Comparison between laboratory and pilot biotrickling filtration of air emissions from painting and wood finishing Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Volum 85. Número 3.
- C. Gabaldón, M. Izquierdo, M. Martín, P. Marzal. 2008 Fixed-bed removal of free and complexed Ni from synthetic and industrial aqueous solution Separation Science and Technology Volum 43. Número 5.
- J. Alvarez Hornos, C. Gabaldón, V. Martínez Soria, P. Marzal, J.M. Peñarrocha y M. Izquierdo. 2007 Long term perfomance of peat biofilters treating ethyl acetate, toluene and its mixture in air Biotechnology and Bioengineering Volum 96. Número 4.
- C. Gabaldón, M. Izquierdo, P. Marzal, F. Sempere. 2007 Evaluation of biosorbents for Cu removal from wastewater in the presence of EDTA Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Volum 82.
- C. Gabaldón, M. Izquierdo, V. Martínez-Soria, P. Marzal, J.M. Penya-roja, F.J. Alvarez-Hornos. 2007 Biological nitrate removal from wastewater of a metal-finishing industry Journal of Hazardous Materials Volum 148.
- Jordi Palau; Marta Izquierdo; Paula Marzal; Vicente Martínez-Soria. 2015 Coupling Adsorption and Biological Technologies for Multicomponent and Fluctuating Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions Abatement: Laboratory-Scale Evaluation and Full-Scale Implementation Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Volum 54.
- Francisco Javier Álvarez-Hornos; Marta Izquierdo Sanchis; Amparo Cháfer Ortega. 2014 Implantación y evaluación de códigos QR en laboratorios docentes de ingeniería química @tic. Revista d'innovació educativa Número 13.
- M. Henares; M. Izquierdo; J.M. Penya-Roja; V. Martínez-Soria. 2016 Comparative study of degassing membrane modules for the removal of methane from Expanded Granular Sludge Bed anaerobic reactor effluent Separation and Purification Technology Volum 170.
- F.J. Álvarez-Hornos; V. Martínez-Soria; P. Marzal; M. Izquierdo; C. Gabaldón. 2017 Performance and feasibility of biotrickling filtration in the control of styrene industrial air emissions International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Volum 119.
- M. Henares; M. Izquierdo; P. Marzal; V. Martínez-Soria. 2017 Demethanization of aqueous anaerobic effluents using a polydimethylsiloxane membrane module: Mass transfer, fouling and feasibility Separation and Purification Technology Volum 186.
- N. Vermorel; P. San-Valero; M. Izquierdo; C. Gabaldón; J.M. Penya-roja. 2017 Anaerobic degradation of 2-propanol: Laboratory and pilot-scale studies Chemical Engineering Science Volum 172.
- María Henares; Pablo Ferrero; Pau San-Valero; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Marta Izquierdo. 2018 Performance of a polypropylene membrane contactor for the recovery of dissolved methane from anaerobic effluents: Mass transfer evaluation, longterm operation and cleaning strategies Journal of Membrane Science Volum 563.
- Pau San-Valero; Carmen Gabaldón; Francisco Javier Álvarez-Hornos; Marta Izquierdo, Vicente Martínez-Soria. 2019 Removal of acetone from air emissions by biotrickling filters: providing solutions from laboratory to full-scale Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A: Toxic Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering Volum 54.
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles ; Carmen Gabaldón ; Vicente Martínez-Soria ; Marta Izquierdo. 2021 Simultaneous application of vacuum and sweep gas in a polypropylene membrane contactor for the recovery of dissolved methane from water Journal of Membrane Science Volum 617. Número January 2021.
- M. Capilla; P. San-Valero; M. Izquierdo; J.M. Penya-roja; C. Gabaldón. 2021 The combined effect on initial glucose concentration and pH control strategies for acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation by Clostridium acetobutylicum DSM 792 Biochemical Engineering Journal Volum 167. Número 107910.
- Pablo Ferrero; Marta Izquierdo; Francisco Javier Álvarez-Hornos; Josep Manuel Penya-Roja; Vicente Martínez-Soria. 2020 Influence of activated carbon on performance and microbial communities in the treatment of solvent pollutant mixtures in a continuous stirred tank reactor Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology Volum 6.
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles ; Carmen Gabaldón ; José Davd Badía ; Marta Izquierdo ; Vicente Martínez-Soria. 2022 Recovery of dissolved methane through a flat sheet module with PDMS, PP, and PVDF membranes Separation and Purification Technology Volum 282. Número Part B.
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Beatriz María Moreno-Torralbo; Jose David Badía; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Marta Izquierdo. 2022 Flat PVDF Membrane with Enhanced Hydrophobicity through Alkali Activation and Organofluorosilanisation for Dissolved Methane Recovery Membranes Volum 12. Número 4.
- Ramón Jiménez‑Robles; Vicente Martínez‑Soria; Marta Izquierdo. 2022 Fouling characterisation in PVDF membrane contactors for dissolved methane recovery from anaerobic effluents: effect of surface organofluorosilanisation Environmental science and pollution research international Volum 30. Número 11.
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Marta Izquierdo; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Laura Martí; Alicia Monleón; José David Badia. 2023 Stability of superhydrophobicity and structure of PVDF membranes treated by vacuum oxygen plasma and organofluorosilanisation Membranes Volum 13. Número 314.
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Marta Izquierdo; ; Lo-I Chen; Kristell Le Corre Pidou; Ewan J. McAdam. 2023 Membrane-assisted reactive crystallisation for the recovery of dissolved phosphorus in vivianite form from liquid effluents Separation and Purification Technology Volum 13. Número 314.
- José David Badia; Amparo Cháfer; O. Gil-Castell; Laura Pastor; Marta Izquierdo; Maria Desamparados Hernáiz-Pérez; Juan Bautista Giménez; Jordi Carrillo-Abad; Angeliki Giannakopoulou; Anastasia Giannakopoulou; Alessia Scotti Belli; Paola Maciariello; Giovanna Maciariello; Alberto Di Pierro; Mario Capasso; Benedetta Ferroleto. 2023 Gad project: Game creation in augmented reality (AR) enhancing professional digital skills - an opportunity to support teaching in technical disciplines INTED proceedings
- Gorka Marco-Velasco; Alejandro Gálvez-Subiela; Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Marta Izquierdo; Amparo Cháfer; José David Badia. 2024 A Review on the Application of Deep Eutectic Solvents in Polymer-Based Membrane Preparation for Environmental Separation Technologies Polymers Volum 16. Número 18.
- A. Jiménez, J.D. Badia, L. Borrás, J.P. Cerisuelo, A. Cháfer, O. Gil-Castell, J.B. Gimenez, M.D. Hernáiz, M. Izquierdo, N. Martí, J. Ribes, M.V. Ruano, R. Sánchez-Tovar, R. Sanchis, P. San Valero, Á. Robles. 2020 EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF DIFFERENT PEDAGOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCES TO TRAIN TRANSFERABLE SKILLS IN THE AREA OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING EDULEARN proceedings
- P. San-Valero, A. Jiménez, M. Izquierdo, F.J. Álvarez-Hornos, A. Cháfer, R.M. Fernández-Domene, J.B. Giménez, S. Loras, N. Martí, R. Sánchez-Tovar, A. Robles, M.V. Ruano, J. Ribes, J.D. Badia. 2021 ENHANCING VIRTUAL LEARNING STRATEGIES IN THE AREA OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING EDULEARN proceedings
- M.V. Ruano, A.L. Jiménez, P. San Valero, R. Sánchez-Tovar, Á. Robles, J.B. Giménez, M. Izquierdo, F.J. Álvarez-Hornos, L. Borrás, N. Martí, J.P. Cerisuelo, J. Ribes, R. Sanchis, R. Fernández, L. Pastor, Ó. Gil-Castell, M.D. Hernáiz-Pérez, P.J. Miguel, A. Cháfer, J.D. Badia. 2021 IQLABS: ASSESSING THE TEACHING-LEARNING MODEL OF THE LABORATORY SUBJECTS OF THE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DEGREE INTED proceedings
- J.B. Giménez, L. Pastor, B. Solsona, R. Sánchez-Tovar, M. Izquierdo, J. Ribes, A. Robles, M.V. Ruano, A. Jiménez, J. Carrillo, N. Martí, R. Fernández, A. Cháfer, J. Badia, A. García, J.M. Peñarrocha, R. Jiménez, P. San Valero. 2023 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONSTRUCTIVE ALIGNMENT OF THE TEACHING PROGRAM AND AWARENESS OF THE ENVIRONMENT FOR LEARNING - ACESIQ PROJECT EDULEARN proceedings
- M. Izquierdo; C. Gabaldón; P. Marzal. 2010 Experimental Determination of Hydrodynamic Dispersion Coefficients for Modelling of Fixed-bed Biosorption Chemical Engineering Transactions Volum 21.
- F.J. Álvarez-Hornos; C. Gabaldón; M. Izquierdo; P. Marzal. 2008 Evaluation Of Posidonia Oceanica And Organic Sediment As Biosorbents: Cu Removal In Fixed Bed Columns WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment Volum 111.
Publicacions en revistes
- MARTINEZ SORIA, VICENTEPDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat+Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
- Ramón Jiménez‑Robles; Vicente Martínez‑Soria; Marta Izquierdo (2022) Fouling characterisation in PVDF membrane contactors for dissolved methane recovery from anaerobic effluents: effect of surface organofluorosilanisation. Environmental science and pollution research international , 30(11), pp. 29164 - 29179 . ISSN: 0944-1344
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Marta Izquierdo; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Laura Martí; Alicia Monleón; José David Badia (2023) Stability of superhydrophobicity and structure of PVDF membranes treated by vacuum oxygen plasma and organofluorosilanisation. Membranes , 13(314) . ISSN: 2077-0375
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Marta Izquierdo; ; Lo-I Chen; Kristell Le Corre Pidou; Ewan J. McAdam (2023) Membrane-assisted reactive crystallisation for the recovery of dissolved phosphorus in vivianite form from liquid effluents. Separation and Purification Technology , 13(314) . ISSN: 1383-5866
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Beatriz María Moreno-Torralbo; Jose David Badía; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Marta Izquierdo (2022) Flat PVDF Membrane with Enhanced Hydrophobicity through Alkali Activation and Organofluorosilanisation for Dissolved Methane Recovery. Membranes , 12(4), p. 426 . ISSN: 2077-0375
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles ; Carmen Gabaldón ; José Davd Badía ; Marta Izquierdo ; Vicente Martínez-Soria (2022) Recovery of dissolved methane through a flat sheet module with PDMS, PP, and PVDF membranes. Separation and Purification Technology , 282(Part B), pp. 120057 - 118568 . ISSN: 1383-5866
- Ramón Jiménez-Robles ; Carmen Gabaldón ; Vicente Martínez-Soria ; Marta Izquierdo (2021) Simultaneous application of vacuum and sweep gas in a polypropylene membrane contactor for the recovery of dissolved methane from water. Journal of Membrane Science , 617(January 2021), pp. 118560 - 118570 . ISSN: 0376-7388
- Pablo Ferrero; Marta Izquierdo; Francisco Javier Álvarez-Hornos; Josep Manuel Penya-Roja; Vicente Martínez-Soria (2020) Influence of activated carbon on performance and microbial communities in the treatment of solvent pollutant mixtures in a continuous stirred tank reactor. Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology , 6, pp. 1445 - 1455 . ISSN: 2053-1400
- Alejo Valles; F. Javier Álvarez-Hornos; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Paula Marzal; Carmen Gabaldón (2020) Comparison of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation and separate hydrolysis and fermentation processes for butanol production from rice straw. Fuel , 282, p. 118831 . ISSN: 0016-2361
- Pau San-Valero; Carmen Gabaldón; Francisco Javier Álvarez-Hornos; Marta Izquierdo, Vicente Martínez-Soria (2019) Removal of acetone from air emissions by biotrickling filters: providing solutions from laboratory to full-scale. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A: Toxic Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering , 54, pp. 1 - 8 . ISSN: 1532-4117
- Pablo Ferrero; Carolina Carrascosa; Paula Marzal; Carmen Gabaldón; Josep Manuel Penya-Roja; Vicente Martínez-Soria. (2019) Effect of substrate composition on the stability and microbial community of an anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed reactor treating printing solvent mixtures of ethanol and glycol ethers. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation , 145, pp. 104815 - 104825 . ISSN: 0964-8305
- Pablo Ferrero; Pau San-Valero; Carmen Gabaldón; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Josep Manuel Penya-Roja (2018) Anaerobic degradation of glycol ether-ethanol mixtures using EGSB and hybrid reactors: performance comparison and ether cleavage pathway. Journal of Environmental Management , 213, pp. 159 - 167 . ISSN: 0301-4797
- San-Valero, P; Dorado, AD; Martínez-Soria, V; Gabaldón, C (2018) Biotrickling filter modeling for styrene abatement. Part 1: Model development, calibration and validation on an industrial scale. Chemosphere , 191, pp. 1066 - 1074 . ISSN: 0045-6535
- María Henares; Pablo Ferrero; Pau San-Valero; Vicente Martínez-Soria; Marta Izquierdo (2018) Performance of a polypropylene membrane contactor for the recovery of dissolved methane from anaerobic effluents: Mass transfer evaluation, longterm operation and cleaning strategies. Journal of Membrane Science , 563, pp. 926 - 937 . ISSN: 0376-7388
- M. Henares; M. Izquierdo; P. Marzal; V. Martínez-Soria (2017) Demethanization of aqueous anaerobic effluents using a polydimethylsiloxane membrane module: Mass transfer, fouling and feasibility. Separation and Purification Technology , 186, pp. 10 - 19 . ISSN: 1383-5866
- F.J. Álvarez-Hornos; V. Martínez-Soria; P. Marzal; M. Izquierdo; C. Gabaldón (2017) Performance and feasibility of biotrickling filtration in the control of styrene industrial air emissions. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation , 119, pp. 329 - 335 . ISSN: 0964-8305
- M. Henares; M. Izquierdo; J.M. Penya-Roja; V. Martínez-Soria (2016) Comparative study of degassing membrane modules for the removal of methane from Expanded Granular Sludge Bed anaerobic reactor effluent. Separation and Purification Technology , 170, pp. 22 - 29 . ISSN: 1383-5866
- Jordi Palau; Marta Izquierdo; Paula Marzal; Vicente Martínez-Soria (2015) Coupling Adsorption and Biological Technologies for Multicomponent and Fluctuating Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions Abatement: Laboratory-Scale Evaluation and Full-Scale Implementation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , 54, pp. 1703 - 1722 . ISSN: 0888-5885
- Jordi Palau; Aymen A. Assadi; Josep M. Penya-Roja; Abdelkrim Bouzaza; Dominique Wolbert; Vicente Martinez-Soria (2015) Isovaleraldehyde degradation using UV photocatalytic and dielectric barrier discharge reactors, and their combinations. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry , 299, pp. 110 - 117 . ISSN: 1010-6030
- Aymen Amine Assadia; Jordi Palau; Abdelkrim Bouzaza; Josep Penya-Roja; Vicente Martinez-Soria; Dominique Wolbert (2014) Abatement of 3-methylbutanal and trimethylamine with combined plasma and photocatalysis in a continuous planar reactor. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry , 282, pp. 1 - 8 . ISSN: 1010-6030
Publicacions en revistes
- CHAFER ORTEGA, AMPAROPDI-Titular d'Universitat+Coordinador/a Curs+Coordinador/a Curs
- Amparo Cháfer , Javier de la Torre, Juan B. Montón, and Estela Lladosa (2017) Experimental Determination and Correlation of Liquid-Liquid Equilibria Data for a System of Water + Ethanol + 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate at Different Temperatures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data , 62(2), pp. 773 - 779 . ISSN: 0021-9568
- Amparo Cháfer, Javier de la Torre, Ma Pilar Cumplido and J.B. Monton (2016) Measurement and correlation of liquid-liquid equilibria at different temperatures in water + 1-propanol + 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide or 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ternary systems. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 429, pp. 76 - 83 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- A. Cháfer; J. de la Torre; E. Lladosa; S. Loras (2016) Study of liquideliquid equilibria at different temperatures of water þ ethanol þ 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ternary system. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 426, pp. 3 - 9 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- Amparo Cháfer; Javier de la Torre; Estela Lladosa; Jordi Pla-Franco; MªPilar Cumplido (2016) Liquid-liquid equilibria of the water + 1-propanol+1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ternary system: study fo the ability of ionic liquids as solvent. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data , 61(12), pp. 4006 - 4012 . ISSN: 0021-9568
- A. Cháfer,J. de la Torre, A. Font, E. Lladosa (2015) Liquid¿liquid equilibria of water + ethanol + 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ternary system: measurements and correlation at different temperatures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data , 60, pp. 2426 - 2433 . ISSN: 0021-9568
- A. Cháfer, J. de la Torre E. Lladosa, JB. Montón (2014) Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for the System 4-Methyl-2-pentanone + 1-propanol or 2-propanol + water ternary systems: measuraments and correlation at different temperatures. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 361, pp. 23 - 29 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- A. Cháfer,J. de la Torre E. Lladosa, JB. Montón (2014) Measuraments and correlation at different temperaturas of liquid-Liquid equilibria of 2-butanol or 2-,ethyl-2-butanol + 1,2,3-propanetriol + wáter ternary systems. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 377, pp. 38 - 44 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- A. Cháfer, A. Berna (2014) Study of kinetics of the d-pinitol extraction from carob pods using supercritical CO2. Journal of Supercritical Fluids , 94, pp. 212 - 215 . ISSN: 0896-8446
- Amparo Cháfer; Estela Lladosa; Juan B. Montón; Javier de la Torre (2012) Measurements and correlation of liquid-liquid equilibria of 4-methyl-2-pentanone + ethanol + water and 4-methyl-2-pentanone + n-butanol + water ternary systems between 283.2 and 323.2 K. Fluid Phase Equilibria (317), pp. 89 - 95 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- Estela Lladosa; Amparo Cháfer; Juan B. Montón; Nelson F. Martínez (2011) Liquid-liquid and vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium of the 4.methyl-2-pentanone + 2-butanol + water system. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data , 56, pp. 1926 - 1932 . ISSN: 0021-9568
- A. Cháfer, E. Lladosa, JB. Montón , M. C. Burguet (2010) Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for the System 1-Methyl Propyl Ethanoate (1) + acetic acid (2) + water (3) at (283.15 and 323.15) K. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data , 55, pp. 523 - 525 . ISSN: 0021-9568
- Cháfer, A., Fornari, T., Stateva, R., Berna, A. (2009) Trans-cinnamic acid solubility enhancement in the presence of ethanol as a supercritical CO2 co-solvent. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data , 54(8), pp. 2263 - 2268 . ISSN: 0021-9568
- A. Cháfer, J. de la Torre, J. B. Montón, E. Lladosa (2008) Liquid-liquid equilibria of the systems isobutyl acetate + isobutyl alcohol + water and isobutyl acetate + isobutyl alcohol + glycerol at different temperatures. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 265, pp. 122 - 128 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- A. Cháfer, E. Lladosa, J. de la Torre, M. C. Burguet (2008) Study of liquid-liquid equilibrium of the systems isobutyl acetate + acetic acid + water and isobutyl alcohol + acetic acid + water at different temperatures . Fluid Phase Equilibria , 271, pp. 76 - 81 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- A. Cháfer, T. Fornari, R.P. Stateva, A. Berna, J. Garcia.Reverter. (2007) Solubility if the natural antioxidant gallic acid in supercritical CO2 + ethanol as a cosolvent.. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data , 52(1), pp. 116 - 121 . ISSN: 0021-9568
- A. Chafer;M.C. Burguet;J.B. Monton;E. Lladosa (2007) Liquid-liquid equilibria of the systems dipropyl ether + n-propanol +water and dipropyl ether + n-propanol + ethylene glycol at different temperatures. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 262, pp. 76 - 81 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- J. de la Torre; A. Chafer; A.Berna; R. Muñoz (2006) Liquid-liquid equilibria of the system dimethyl carbonate + methanol + water at different temperatures. Fluid Phase Equilibria (247), pp. 40 - 46 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- A. Cháfer, T. Fornari, R.P. Stateva, A. Berna (2006) D-Pinitol solubility in supercritical CO2 : Esperimental data and correlation.. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data , 51(2), pp. 612 - 615 . ISSN: 0021-9568
- A. Chafer; J. de la Torre; R. Muñoz; M.C. Burguet (2005) Liquid-liquid equilibria of the mixture linalool + ethanol + water at different temperatures. Fluid Phase Equilibria (238), pp. 72 - 76 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- A. Chafer; M. Carmen Pascual-Marti; A. Salvador, A. Berna. (2005) Supercritical fluid extraction and HPLC determination of relevant polyphenolic compounds in grape skin. Journal of Separation Science (28), pp. 2050 - 2056 . ISSN: 1615-9306
- T. Fornari; A. Chafer; R.P. Stateva; G. Reglero. (2005) A new development in thr application of the group contribution associating equation of state to model solid solubilities of phenolic compounds in SC-CO2. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (44), pp. 8147 - 8156 . ISSN: 0888-5885
- A. Chafer; T. Fornari; A. Berna; E. Ibañez; G. Reglero. (2005) Solubility of solid carnosic acid in supercritical CO2 with ethanol as a co-solvent.. Journal of Supercritical Fluids (34), pp. 323 - 329 . ISSN: 0896-8446
- A. Cháfer, R. Muñoz, M.C. Burguet, A. Berna (2004) The influence of the temperature on the liquid-liquid equlibria of the mixture limonene + ethanol + H2O. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 224, pp. 251 - 256 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- Amparo Chafer, Tiziana Fornari, Angel Berna, Roumiana P. Stateva (2004) Solubility of quercetin in supercritical CO2 + ethanol as a modifier:measurements and thermodynamic modelling. Journal of Supercritical Fluids , 32, pp. 89 - 96 . ISSN: 0896-8446
- Mª Pilar Cumplido, Amparo Cháfer, Javier de la Torre, J.B. Montón (2018) Study of separation of water + 2-propanol mixture using different ionic liquids: 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide or 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imideExperimental Determination and Correlation of Liquid-Liquid Equilibria Data for a System of Water + Ethanol + 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate at Different Temperatures. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics , 116, pp. 32 - 41 . ISSN: 0021-9614
- Amparo Cháfer, Javier de la Torre, Sonia Loras, Juan B. Montón (2018) Study of liquid-liquid extraction of ethanol + water azeotropic mixtures using two imidazolium-based ionic liquids. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics , 118, pp. 92 - 99 . ISSN: 0021-9614
- Cumplido, Maria Pilar; Cháfer, Amparo; de la Torre, Javier; Lladosa, Estela (2018) Capability study of 1-butyl-3- methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide and trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinate as solvents in the separation of 1-propanol from water. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 469, pp. 1 - 8 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- P.San-Valero; A.Robles; M.V.Ruano; N.Martí; A.Cháfer; J.D.Badia (2019) Workshops of innovation in chemical engineering to train communication skills in science and technology. Education For Chemical Engineers , 26, pp. 114 - 121 . ISSN: 1749-7728
- Mª Pilar Cumplido; Amparo Cháfer; Javier de la Torre; Helena Poy (2020) Separation of the azeotropic mixture 2-propanol + water employing different imidazolium ionic liquids as solvents. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics , 140, p. 105889 . ISSN: 0021-9614
- Mª Pilar Cumplido; María Cuenca-Navarro; Amparo Cháfer; Javier de la Torre, Josep Pasqual Cerisuelo (2020) Study of the capability of 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquid as solvent in the separation of water from 1-propanol or 2-propanol at different temperatures. Journal of Molecular Liquids , 318(114083) . ISSN: 0167-7322
- Cumplido, M.-P; CHAFER, A; Guayazan-Jaimes, J.I; de la Torre, J; Badia, J.D. (2022) Potential of phosphonium-based ionic liquids to purify 1-propanol from water by liquid-liquid extraction at mild conditions. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics , 165(106588) . ISSN: 0021-9614
- G. Sánchez-García, E. Da Silva, R.M. Fernández-Domene, A. Cháfer, V. González-Alfaro, B. Solsona, R. Sánchez-Tovar (2023) TiO2 nanostructures synthesized by electrochemical anodization in green protic ionic liquids for photoelectrochemical applications. Ceramics International , 49, pp. 26900 - 26909 . ISSN: 0272-8842
- Ramón M. Fernández-Domene, Amparo Cháfer-Ortega, Jhon A. Lombana-Fernández, Rita Sánchez-Tovar, Benjamín Solsona (2023) Ionic liquids and nanotechnology: Synthesis of WO3 nanostructures by anodization as photoelectrocatalysts. Ceramics International , 49, pp. 15434 - 15441 . ISSN: 0272-8842
- A. M. Elzayat; I. Adam-Cervera; M. Albus; A. Cháfer; J. D. Badia; F. F. Pérez-Pla; R. Muñoz-Espí (2023) Polysaccharide/Silica Microcapsules Prepared via Ionic Gelation Combined with Spray Drying: Application in the Release of Hydrophilic Substances and Catalysis. Polymers , 15, p. 4116 . ISSN: 2073-4360
- M.A. Pilar Cumplido; Javier De la Torre; Josep P. Cerisuelo; Amparo Cháfer (2023) Effect of the anion in phosphonium-based ionic liquids to recovery efficiently 2-propanol from an azeotropic mixture with water. Fluid Phase Equilibria , 574(113884), pp. 1 - 12 . ISSN: 0378-3812
- A. Cháfer; O. Gil-Castell; A. Björling; R. Ballesteros-Garrido; J.P. Cerisuelo-Ferriols; J.D. Badia (2024) Mechanism and performance of the hydrolytic chemical recycling of polylactide catalyzed by the protic ionic liquid 2-HEAA. Resources Conservation and Recycling , 210(107826) . ISSN: 0921-3449
- Gorka Marco-Velasco; Alejandro Gálvez-Subiela; Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Marta Izquierdo; Amparo Cháfer; José David Badia (2024) A Review on the Application of Deep Eutectic Solvents in Polymer-Based Membrane Preparation for Environmental Separation Technologies. Polymers , 16(18), pp. 2604-1 - 49 . ISSN: 2073-4360
- Oscar Gil-Castell; Ramón Jiménez-Robles; Alejandro Gálvez-Subiela; Gorka Marco-Velasco; M. Pilar Cumplido; Laia Martín-Pérez; Amparo Cháfer; Jose D. Badia (2024) Factorial Analysis and Thermal Kinetics of Chemical Recycling of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Aided by Neoteric Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids. Polymers , 16(2451), p. 2451 . ISSN: 2073-4360
- Maria C. Arango; Natalia Jaramillo-Quiceno; José David Badia; Amparo Cháfer; Josep Pasqual Cerisuelo; Catalina Álvarez-López (2024) The Impact of Green Physical Crosslinking Methods on the Development of Sericin-Based Biohydrogels for Wound Healing. Biomimetics , 9(497), pp. 1 - 20 . ISSN: 2313-7673
- J.D. Badia; R. Ballesteros-Garrido; A. Gamir-Cobacho; O. Gil-Castell; A. Chafer (2024) Chemical recycling of post-consumer poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) driven by the protic ionic liquid 2-HEAA: Performance, kinetics and mechanism. Journal Of Environmental Chemical Engineering , 12, pp. 113134-1 - 12 . ISSN: 2213-2929
Publicacions en revistes
- BADIA VALIENTE, JOSE DAVIDPDI-Titular d'Universitat+Cap de Seccio-Servei+Cap Iniciativa Per a Sostenibilitat
- IZQUIERDO SANCHIS, MARTAPDI-Titular d'Universitat+Coordinador/a de Mobilitat+Coordinador/a de Mobilitat+Coordinador/a Curs+Coordinador/a Curs
- MARTINEZ SORIA, VICENTEPDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat+Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
- CHAFER ORTEGA, AMPAROPDI-Titular d'Universitat+Coordinador/a Curs+Coordinador/a Curs