The Universitat de València was awarded for the Spanish Universities CRUE practical experience and entrepreneurship observatory – MetaRedX by Universia, in the PIMe that is lead by the Entrepreneurship Unit (UVemprén) in 21 and 22 November during the 3rd Session of Entrepreneurship of CRUE Spain in Toledo.
The PIMe is supported by the Universitat de València’s Centre Pre-incubator Network and aims to get entrepreneur skills from a practical point of view by using a method that allows to guide the members in designing and publishing new products and services -from the project’s concept to it final stage where it is ready to take off.
The program is available for every degree, master's degree and doctoral programme student from Universitat de València that’s interested in entrepreneurship. They can choose to take on an exam that will grant them a entrepreneurship skill certificate for their curriculum.
The program call will take place in March and inscriptions will be open during December.