Universitat de ValènciaDepartment of Astronomy and Astrophysics Logo del portal

Defensa Tesi Doctoral Alejandro Mus Mejías

  • October 11th, 2023
mini espiral

Exposicions Tesis. El dia 18 d'octubre, dimecres, a les 10:30 h, al Sálo de Graus Lise Meitner de la Facultat de Física, Burjassot, tindrà lloc la lectura de la Tesi Doctoral realitzada per Alejandro Mus Mejías, sota la direcció del doctor Ivan Martí Vidal professor d'aquest departament.

Title: Deconvolution tecniques for dynamical interferometric observations


Very Long Baseline Interferometry, or VLBI, is currently experiencing a remarkable era. This powerful technique involves connecting telescopes positioned across the globe to create a virtual “super-telescope”. Just like the ancient Spartans with their phalanx formation, each  telescope becomes part of a larger, stronger, and more capable system. Thanks to VLBI, the international collaboration known as the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has achieved groundbreaking accomplishments. Comprising over 300 astronomers and 80 institutions, the EHT collaboration has unveiled the unseenable: Two supermassive black holes located at the centers of the M87 galaxy and our own Milky Way. These remarkable achievements have propelled the future of VLBI into a promising trajectory. New telescopes are being constructed to expand and enhance the global network of observatories, allowing not only the observation of these cosmic giants but also a deeper understanding of their surrounding environments. However, the conversion of the raw data collected by telescopes into images necessitates the development of complex mathematical models. In fact, the advent of next-generation telescopes introduces technological challenges that demand a reevaluation of conventional techniques. This thesis presents three significant results specifically aimed at addressing the unique demands of this new generation of telescopes. Among the algorithms developed in this work is a calibration algorithm that ensures optimal data treatment, as well as two advanced algorithms for image and “movie” reconstruction of astronomical objects, with a particular focus on black holes.