Students from the university of valencia participating in the project

The University of Valencia leads the study project "Compared practical case on Natural Person insolvency and discharge on the frame of Directive 2019/1023 transposition”.

The project counts upon the participation of a total of 22 Law Degree students from the FORTHEM universities Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz, the Unywersytet Opolski and the Universitat de Valencia itself, proponent of the project designed by Prof. Carlos Gómez Asensio of the Department of Commercial Law of the University of Valencia.

The project is under development -the months of March-May 2021, being divided into two stages: a first stage of autonomous collaborative work of each of the students teams on the issues that are part of the proposed case, under the supervision of a tutor from each university; and a subsequent stage, organized around 3 virtual sessions, in which the presentation and joint discussion of the solutions adopted to the problems proposed in the case study by each team is carried out, which will provide students with both a knowledge of Comparative Law on the treatment of the problems raised, and a first experience of reflection on them from a European perspective.