Erasmus 2015-2016 informative Sessions

First of all, we would like to congratulate all the students from the University of Valencia selected to enjoy the mobility stay within the Erasmus Program during the A/Y 2015-2016. In order to clarify the steps to be taken from now on, our Office called for various informative sessions that you also can watch at our YouTube Channel (see below)


Date: From 17 de april de 2015 to 17 de april de 2020.

Place Campus dels Tarongers; Campus de Blasco Ibañez i Campus de Burjassot.

Organized by Servei de Relacions Internacionals i Cooperació.

+ Videos

Sessió completa informativa Erasmus Estudis 2015-2016

Tutorial Acceptació Erasmus Estudis 2015-2016