The University hosts the congress 'The Russian-Spanish Dialogue 2017

The Congress is organised by Ranepa, the largest public university in Russia, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and in cooperation with the Universitat de València, the strategic partner of Ranepa in Spain.

The promoters want to create a platform to exchange experiences in subjects about the internationalization of education, the broadening and deepening of the cooperation between universities, intercultural dialogue. In addition, an analysis of the prospects for the development of the joint programmes, the scientific and cultural projects between Russia and Spain will be carried out.

The event will gather representatives of Russian and Spanish Universities as well as those responsible for the promotion of Russian and Spanish languages, culture, education and scientific achievements of Russia and Spain. The participation of the representatives of the Russian embassies in Spain and the Spanish one in Russia, the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as the representatives of the Spanish authorities are also expected.

The congress is held in the format of a plenary session and some thematic sections. The content of the sections covers the topics of experiences in education development area, university sciences, culture and innovation between Russia and Spain.


Date: 24 de november de 2017.

Place Salón de Actos del Rectorado.

Organized by Vicerectorat d'Internacionalització i Cooperació.
