foto Angel Narro Sanchez
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Secretari/a de Departament
Knowledge area: GREEK PHILOLOGY
Department: Classical Languages
(9639) 83703

M.A. in Classical Philology (2008) and French Philology (2012) from the University of Valencia. PhD in Greek Philology from the University of Valencia (2013).

My main lines of research are three: 1) the Christian Greek language and literature, 2) the Byzantine hagiography and 3) the reception of classical literature in the literature of the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The first and second lines of research converged in the doctoral thesis work on the Greek texts about Saint Thecla -Acts of Paul and Thecla from the 2nd century and Life and Miracles of Saint Thecla from the 5th century- and subsequently they have been concentrated in two well differentiated areas. On the one hand, in the field of Christian Greek language and literature, the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles as a whole and in comparison with other texts of the time have been studied in different works, among which the book Tecla de Iconio. La santa ideal, un ideal de santa (2021) stands out. In addition, I am currently actively participating in the preparation of the critical edition, translation and commentary of the Acts of Tomás, within the project "Edition, translation, and commentary of Acta Thomae", financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain (2020-2023). On the other hand, regarding Greek hagiography, the compilations of miracles of saints from the first period of the Byzantine Empire have centered most of the works already published, such as the Spanish translation of the Life and Miracles of Thecla published in the BAC or El culto a las santas y los santos en la Antigüedad tardía y la época bizantina in Síntesis, where the relationship of the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles is also addressed as a direct antecedent of later hagiography. In this area, I have been the main researcher of the project "Literary Topics in Late-Ancient Christian Hagiography in a Feminine Key" (GV/2020/013), financed by the R+D+i program of the Conselleria d'Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital within the Subsidies subprogram for the realization of R+D+i projects developed by emerging research groups (2020-2021). Recently, I have obtained a grant as main researcher for another project financed by the same entity and scholarship program for the years 2022 and 2023 with the title "Literary topics and narrators in female martyrdom literature" (CIGE/2021/075). Finally, regarding the reception of classical literature in the literature of the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the main objective has been to analyze the presence of elements from tradition and classical literature in didactic and moral works directed women of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

During the completion of the doctoral thesis, a stay of 7.5 months was carried out at the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (Italy) and in the second semester of the 2013-2014 academic year, a visiting professor position was obtained at the University of Memphis (USA). In August 2016, a research stay was carried out at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library of Harvard University in Washington DC thanks to obtaining a scholarship financed by the institution itself. From September 2017 to November of the same year, a 3-month research stay was carried out at the University of Nantes financed by the program for the promotion of research of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Generalitat Valenciana. In July 2019, a 1-month research and training stay in the Coptic language was carried out at the Hill's Museum and Manuscript Library of St. John's University (Minnesota) financed by Dumbarton Oaks. In February 2020, another 1-month teaching / research stay was carried out at the University of Havana (Cuba), invited by this university. In May 2022, a two-week research stay was carried out at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands). From September 2014 to September 2019 he has held the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Valencia with a change of profile included in September 2016 through a contest from Didactics of language and literature to Classical Philology. Since 2020 he has held the position of Associate Professor.

The publications exceed 70 in total. The languages ​​of these publications include Catalan, French, English and Italian.

He has taken an active part in more than 40 conferences, some of them held in Belgium, Cuba, France, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic.

He has actively participated in the organization of conferences, most of them international, between the years 2009-2022.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
LUNES de 12:00 a 14:00 DESPATX
16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
JUEVES de 11:00 a 12:00 DESPATX
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València
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