foto Juan Bataller Grau
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Knowledge area: MERCANTILE LAW
Department: Mercantile Law 'Manuel Broseta Pont'
(9638) 28873

Juan Bataller Grau is a full professor of Business Law at Universitat de València. He graduated in Law in 1992 at the University of Valencia, where he obtained an Extraordinary Award for his Degree. He did his PhD in 1996 at the same university, and his doctoral thesis received an Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

He is director of Revista de Derecho del Sistema Financiero (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi);  Chair of the Work Group of Governing and Supervising Private Insurances of AIDA-Spain, member of group «Restatement of Internacional Reinsurance Contract Law» (PRICL), and member of the Scientific Board of the Spanish Journal of Insurances (Revista Española de seguros). Furthermore, he was Member of Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) Member of COMMISSION EXPERT GROUP ON A EUROPEAN INSURANCE CONTRACT LAW (Commission Decision 2013/C 16/03 of 17 January 2013), member of the Valencian Community’s Observatory of Civil Law, founder member of the European network of excellence “Restatement of European Insurance Contract Law” (PEICL).

He has ample experience and worked in legal counselling and has been offering his services for 25 years to important economic corporations, prestigious business associations and different public administrations.

His research works comprise various Business Law domains which have resulted in several national and international scientific publications. We can mention: AA.VV. (dirs. BATALLER/QUINTANS), La distribución de los seguros privados, Marcial Pons, 2019; AA.VV. (dirs. BATALLER/PEÑAS), Un Derecho del seguro más social y transparente, Thomson Reuters Civitas, 2017; AA.VV. (dirs. BATALLER/QUINTANS/VEIGA), La reforma del Derecho del seguro, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2016; AA.VV., Principles of European Insurance Contract Law, 2ª ed., OttoSchmidt, 2016; AA.VV.(dirs. BATALLER/VEIGA), La protección del cliente del mercado asegurador, Thomson Reuters Civitas, 2014; BATALLER GRAU, LATORRE CHINER, OLAVARRÍA IGLESIA, Insurance Law. Spain. 2ª ed.,International Encyclopedia of Laws, Ed. Walters Kluwer, 2014;  BATALLER GRAU, J., “The Harmonizsation of European Contract Law: The Case of Insurance Contracts”, Cunnecticut Insurance Law Journal, issue 21, 2014, págs. 149-171.

He has taught many masters in Spain and abroad, and has collaborated in training professionals in numerous conferences, in the Law Practice Courses held at the Bar Association of Alzira and Alcoi, and has also taught the Official Legal Profession Master at the Universitat de València.

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