foto Carolina Sanchis Crespo
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Knowledge area: PROCEDURAL LAW
Department: Administrative and Procedural Law
(9638) 28655

Prof. Dr. Carolina Sanchis Crespo

Professor of Procedural Law 

University of Valencia (Spain) 




- Lecturer at the following universities: University Collegue Dublin (Ireland), University of Turku (Finland), Universities of Havana, Holguín, Matanzas, Las Villas and Pinar del Río (Cuba), Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México DF) and Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (Costa Rica).


- Research stays at the University of Torvergata, in Rome (Italy), at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, (Germany), UCD University of Dublin (Ireland) and at Fordham University in New York (USA).

- Open lines of research:

1.- The role of the Public Prosecutor's Office in civil and criminal proceedings.

2.- Procedural protection in the electronic environment: Evidence by computer media in the process, technological investigation tools in criminal proceedings and electronic fraud, IA and judicial decisions.

3.- Procedural protection of consumers and users in civil proceedings.

4.-Rights of defence in the European Union

ADR: Mediation 


- Author of seven books:


1) Title: El Ministerio Fiscal y su actuación en el proceso abreviado, microfiche, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia, 1994, 415 pp.


2) Title: El Ministerio Fiscal y su actuación en el proceso abreviado. Especial referencia al procedimiento preliminar fiscal), Ed. Comares, Granada, 1995, 217 pp. 


3) Title: La prueba por soportes informáticos, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1999, 179 pp.



4) Title: La prueba por medios audiovisuales e instrumentos de archivo en la LEC 1/2000, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2002, 253 pp. Collaboration with CHAVELI DONET, E. A. 


5) Title: La etapa preparatoria penal. Con escritos del Fiscal, Juez cautelar, Partes y Anexo con formularios de la Policía Técnica Judicial, Ed. El País, (Bolivia), 2006, pp. 287.

6) Title: Mediación y comunidades de vecinos. Un nuevo modo de solucionar viejos conflictos, Ed. Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 2013, 200 pp.


7) Title: Delincuencia informática. Criminal types and investigation. Con jurisprudencia tras la reforma procesal y penal de 2015, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, 2019, 823 pp. Book co-authored with Eloy Velasco Núñez. 


- Co-author of the Manual "Derecho Procesal I. Jurisdicción, acción y proceso", Ed. Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, now in its fourth edition.


- Director and co-author of 3 collective books on electronic fraud:


      1) Fraude electrónico: Entidades financieras y usuarios de banca. Problemas y soluciones), Ed. Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 2011.


      2) Fraude electrónico: Panorámica general y medios jurídicos para combatirlo, Ed. Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 2013.


      3) Electronic fraud: Its criminal and civil management, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2015.


- Author of more than 40 scientific articles specialising in Procedural Law published in Spanish and foreign journals.


- Author of more than 20 chapters in collective books.


- Lecturer at international and national conferences over the last 34 years.


- Director of 2 research projects and participant as a team in 12 others.



- She has given several training courses to police officers, lawyers, prosecutors and judges.



- She has held the positions of Secretary and Director of the Department of Administrative and Procedural Law at the University of Valencia.



CV updated to March 2024