foto Carmen Teresa Rodilla Marti
PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Coordinador/a Curs
Knowledge area: MERCANTILE LAW
Department: Mercantile Law 'Manuel Broseta Pont'
(9638) 28730
Subjects taught and teaching methods
42758 - TICS, Redes e Innovación de la Economía - Master's Degree in Social Economics (Cooperatives and Non-Profit Organisations)
43192 - Degree final project - Double Master’s Degree Programme in Law and Procurement - Corporate Law Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double degree in Law + Criminology
35219 - Derecho Mercantil I - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Double Degree in Business Management and Administration and Law
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double Degree in Business Management and Administration and Law
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Double degree in Law + Criminology
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Degree in Law
35229 - Final degree project in Law - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
35931 - Derecho Mercantil - Degree in Finance and Accounting
43192 - Degree final project - Master's Degree in Corporate Law, Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
35219 - Derecho Mercantil I - Double degree in Law + Criminology
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
35220 - Derecho Mercantil II - Degree in Law
35219 - Derecho Mercantil I - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
35219 - Derecho Mercantil I - Double Degree in Business Management and Administration and Law
35219 - Derecho Mercantil I - Degree in Law
02/09/2024 - 24/01/2025
MARTES de 11:00 a 14:00 null
02/09/2024 - 24/01/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 11:00 a 14:00 5C08 DESPATX
Academic training
Journal Publications
Other publications
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Participations in Conferences