foto Evelio Miñano Martinez
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Knowledge area: FRENCH PHILOLOGY
Department: French and Italian
Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Avda. Blasco Ibánez, nº 32 46110 Valencia
(9638) 64719

Evelio Miñano Martínez is a Professor of French Philology in the Department of French and Italian Philology at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia. He was graduated from this University in Romance Philology (French) in 1984, with the degree thesis L'image dans la poésie de Philippe Jaccottet and in 1987 with the Ph thesis Imagen y experiencia de la realidad en la poesía de Yves Bonnefoy, both works directed by his teacher, Dr. Elena Real Ramos. After working as a lecturer in Spanish language at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour in 1984-1985, he has pursued his professional career at the University of Valencia until today.

He has carried out various teaching tasks in the field of French Philology, within the different undergraduate and graduate syllabuses which have been developed since he joined the Universitat de València in 1985: French language, history of the French language, commentary on literary texts, French literature of different genres and periods, etc. He has also taught on doctoral courses and, later, on master's degrees at the Universitat de València. He currently teaches on the Master's Degree in Humanistic and Creative Translation (French-Spanish section) and the Master's Degree in Research in Languages and Literatures. He has also taught on the Master's Degree in Comparative Literature and Cultural Criticism (online degree of the University of Valencia).

He has developed several lines of research, in connection with the subjects he has taught. His first research work, as part of his doctoral thesis, focused on contemporary French poetry, with some incursions into other periods. He has published articles and book chapters on the poetry of Philippe Jaccottet, Yves Bonnefoy, Marguerite Yourcenar, Lorand Gaspar, Jean Cocteau, Salah Stétié, Anise Koltz, Eugène Guillevic, Pierre Pascal, Jean Claude Renard, Édouard Glissant, Pierro Oster, Fancis Ponge, Max Jacob, Jude Stéfan, André Salmon and Jean-Michel Maulpoix. His studies on Medieval literature have focused on the Cent nouvelles nouvelles, the Roman de Renart, Jean Bodel, Charles d'Orléans, Jean Froissart, Le roman de Jehan de Paris and Christine de Pisan. He has also researched authors from different periods and genres in the field of Spanish-French comparative studies: Voltaire (La Henriade), Théophile Gautier, Jorge Semprún and Louise Doutreligne. Many of his publications are listed in ORCID (, Dialnet ( and are also accessible in the RODERIC repository of the Universitat de València (

For some years now, while taking subjects on the Master's Degree in Humanistic and Creative Translation, she has been translating French literary texts into Spanish, most of them never translated into Spanish before, from different periods and genres. His first translations have focused on French-language poetry from the 17th, 19th, 20th and 19th centuries: Salah Stétié, Alfred de Musset, Anise Koltz, Jean-Michel Maulpoix, Théophile Gautier and Théophile de Viau. In connection with his teaching and research on Medieval French literature, she has translated two works by Christine de Pisan (Cien Baladas de Amante y Dama, Palma: La lucerna 2011), and El libro del duque de los verdaderos amantes, Universidad de Murcia, 2014). A few years ago he opened a new line of research on contemporary French theatre with studies, prologues and translations of Louise Doutreligne (Tocada y lanzada, Universitat de València, 2008, and Teresada', Universitat de València, 2017; etc. ), and by the Romanian-French author Matei Visniec (La palabra progreso en boca de mi madre sonaba tremendamente falsa, Universitat de València, 2013; Migraaaantes..., Universitat de València, Academia de los nocturnos, 2017, etc.). This author is the origin of his recent interest in the Romanian language, which has culminated, till the date, with the co-translation, together with Angelica Lambru, of two works by Matei Visniec written in Romanian (En la mesa con Marx, La Garúa LIbros, 2017) and El bolsillo del pan, Caballos en la ventana and La araña en la herida, Universitat de València, 2021). As part of the international research project EMOTHE (Spanish and European theatre of the 16th and 17th centuries: heritage and databases) he has translated Los amores trágicos de Píramo y Tisbe of Théophile de Viau (Universitat de València 2018), co-translated Eugenio  of Jodelle, with Silvia Hueso (Universitat de València, 2021) and Las galanterías del Duque de Osuna of Mairet (Universitat de València, in press). Finally, he has translated for the first time a novel: Oshima, by the author Serge Lamothe from Quebec (Verbum 2022). These translations, almost always preceded by introductory studies, have been accompanied by two short essays in which he has reflected on his own work: "Entusiasmos y angustias de un traductor vocacional", Eu-topias, V, 2013; "La traducción poética desde la experiencia de un traductor", in Martínez-Paricio, Violeta; Pruñonosa-Tomás, Manuel eds, Intercomprensión románica, Linx, 2017.

Most of this research and translations have been carried out within the framework of research projects in which he has participated over the years: La problemática de la seducción en la literatura francesa (PS91-0139), Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica del MEC; Espacios extranjeros y exóticos del amor en la literatura francesa (BFF2002-02260, I+D project, Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica; Mujeres escritoras en la literatura contemporánea francesa: claves de su emergencia y diersidad 1970-2005), (HUM2006-08785/FILO), Dirección General de Investigación, Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación. He is currently part of the international research projects REMELICE, Réception et Médiations de Littératures et de Cultures Étrangères Comparées, Université d'Orléans, France (EA-4709) and EMOTHE, European Theatre of the 16th and 17th centuries: heritage and databases,Ministerio de Economía y Comptetitivad (FFI2016-80314-P). Within the framework of the former, he researches on Jorge Semprún and Matei Visniec; within the framework of the second one, he studies, edits and translates classical French plays. Likewise, in the field of knowledge transfer, he has been advising the performance company Influenscènes Association since February 2017, through an agreement between this company and the Universitat de València.

He has held several positions of academic responsibility in the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia: Secretary and Vice-Dean of the Faculty, Secretary and Director of the Department of French and Italian Philology of the same centre. During his time as Vice-Dean, he was in charge of the academic organization of the Faculty, as well as external internships, and he also participated in the commissions for the reform of the syllabus and self-evaluation of the centre. He has also been Coordinator of the Degree in Modern Languages and their Literatures and Co-Director of the Master's Degree in Research in Languages and Literatures at the University of Valencia. Since 1990, without interruption until today, he has been an elected representative of the teaching staff on the Board of the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació (Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication). In 2011, he was appointed Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques, by the French

Subjects taught and teaching methods
Academic training
Journal Publications
Other publications
Participations in Conferences