foto Francisco Javier Gracia Lerin
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Department: Social Psychology
Dirección postal: Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21 IDOCAL 46021 Valencia Despacho: F419
(9616) 25907

Francisco J. Gracia (Degree in Psychology -1992- and Doctor in Social and Organizational Psychology -1998- by the Universitat de València), is Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology at the Universitat de València. He teaches and coordinates the courses of Personnel Psychology in the Erasmus Mundus Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology ( He also teaches and coordinates the course Psychology of Human Resources in the Bachelor of Psychology. He also teaches in the Master in Management of Human Resources of the Faculty of Social Sciences, as well as in the Doctorate Program with Mention towards Excellence in Psychology of Human Resources.

His research activity is carried out within the framework of IDOCAL (, the Research Institute for Human Resources Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life. Currently he has two main areas of research. On the one hand, safety culture and safety performance and the implementation of the characteristic processes of high reliable organizations for safety management in high-risk industries. On the other hand, the management of sustainable human resources, that is, the application of human resources policies and practices to achieve the corporate sustainability strategy, and to attract, develop, maintain and regenerate the human resources base. He has published his research in international journals such as Safety Science, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Risk Analysis, Journal of Safety Research, Sustainability, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and European Journal of Management, among others.

He has carried out human resources consulting activities in management training and development, personnel selection, performance management, competencies management, teamwork, innovation, and safety culture, to mention only the most important topics, and for both public and private organizations.

Currently, serving as Guest Editor for the Special Issue entitled "Sustainability and Human Resources Management" in the Sustainability journal (Impact Factor 2.592). Deadlines for manuscripts submission is the 31st of May of 2021. Read all the details in the following link:

Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Wednesday de 17:00 a 18:30. DESPACHO F419 EDIFICIO ANEXO F. PSICOLOGA, 4º PISO
First semester
Thursday de 17:00 a 18:30. DESPACHO F419 EDIFICIO ANEXO F. PSICOLOGA, 4º PISO
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