foto Laura Guinot Ferri
Department: University Institute of Women's Studies (IUED)

Laura Guinot has a degree and a PhD in History from the University of Valencia (2019). She has worked as a Predoctoral Researcher in the Institut Universitari d’Estudis de la Dona and in the Department of Early Modern History and Contemporary History from the University of Valencia, with a ValI+D contract from the Generalitat Valenciana. She is a specialist in Early Modern History, and her research has focused on feminine spirituality between 17th and 18th centuries. She has worked on popular religiosity and the process of sainthood construcción, as well as saint appealing from a historical and medical perspective. As a result, she has published different articles and has written a thesis titled Santidad femenina, curación milagrosa y religiosidad popular en la Valencia Moderna: La Beata Inés de Benigànim (Feminine sainthood, miraculous healing and popular religiosity in Early Modern Valencia: Blessed Inés of Benigànim) .

She has also been interested on the history of reading practices and written culture, particularly on religious and popular literature in the early modern period. Currently, her research addresses to the analysis of feminine readership and the so-called “literature for women” during 18th century.