foto Jesus Tejada Gimenez
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Department: Didactics of Physical, Artistic and Music Education
Facultat de Magisteri Despacho 4.08 Avda. dels Tarongers, 22 46022 Valencia Horario tutorías: según web departamento
(9638) 64456

Since 1989 I have been researching the use of music technology and software design in musical creation and learning processes. I have worked on these topics at the University of La Rioja, the University of Seville and the University of Valencia. At the University of La Rioja (1995-2003) I completed my first doctorate with a study on the contrast of preferred perceptual modalities (cognitive styles) and learning strategies of a computer programme for score editing, which won the research prize of the Colegio de Doctores y Licenciados (College of Doctors and Graduates). I also directed several research projects on music listening and technology funded by the Government of La Rioja. At the University of Seville (2003-2008) I completed my second PhD in the area of MIDE (2013). At this university, I founded and directed the research group (HUM-794) of the Andalusian R&D Plan. I also led several research projects on the use of technology in formal education settings and was PI of the research project funded by the MICINN "Design, implementation and evaluation of a computer programme for rhythmic education in music conservatories" in which six Spanish and three Chilean universities participated. The results of this project resulted in the creation and evaluation of a software for rhythmic training called Tactus, which was published by the Federation of Musical Societies of the Valencian Community and distributed to its network of 600 music schools, as well as to the rest of the national network. The scientific impact was achieved with the presentation of results in articles, international congresses and the defence of two doctoral theses. I was coordinator of the Official Master of Research in Specific Didactics and director of the doctoral programme of the same name at the University of Valencia. This programme is one of the few in Spain with a specialisation in Music Education. I have carried out research on the design of music programmes and on rhythmic training with computers. In my different academic stays in Chile, I have been a contracted researcher in several projects that have involved the creation and validation of music education software. Among them, one for mathematical learning through sound and music for elementary school in Chile (MMSI, MusiMatematicas Sonoras Interactivas), which has been registered and is being marketed by the company Efecto Educativo, from Chile.

I have been associate professor in the doctoral programme at the University of Santiago de Chile and professor of the doctoral programme at the Faculty of Music of the UNAM (Mexico). There, I supervised a doctoral thesis and taught several courses on technology in music education. I have published in different international indexed journals: Research Studies in Music Education, Journal of Music Technology and Education, Psicodidáctica, Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, Educación XX1, Revista Elec. Complutense de Invest. En Ed. Musical.  I am a reviewer for international journals and a member of the advisory board of Palgrave-MacMillan-Springer (Music & Literature collection). I am editor-in-chief of the LEEME Electronic Journal (ESCI, Q1 SJR), specialising in scientific research papers and applications in Music Ed.

I have designed and collaborated in the development of the software Tactus, Cantus, Plectrus, Aglaya Play, Musimatemáticas Sonoras Interactivas, Emolab.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
JUEVES de 10:30 a 13:30 DESPATX D.04.08
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València
Academic training
Journal Publications
Other publications
Other Achievements
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Participation in Committees and Representations
Patents, Software and Database
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports