foto Jose Javier Navarro Perez
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Director/a de Servei General
Department: Social Work and Social Services
Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Campus Tarongers Avda. Los Naranjos, s/n 46011 Valencia (Spain) Despacho 2D 23 Director de la Cátedra Luis Amigó para la promoción de infancia, adolescencia y juventud en riesgo: Para asistir a una tutoría presencial fuera del horario fijado, es necesario enviar un correo electrónico para concertar la misma, al menos, 48h antes.
(9616) 25026

José Javier Navarro-Pérez -Jota-. PhD in Local Development and Territory with Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Valencia. Diploma in Social Work and Degree in Criminology. Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Services. PI of the GESinn Group. Lines of research: childhood at risk and lack of protection, child abuse and mistreatment, delinquency, emancipation and youth transitions, youth street groups -AJC- and Latin gangs, sexism and myths of romantic love among adolescents, youth suicide, social change and family socialization, etc..

He teaches in the Degrees of Social Work, Criminology and Social Education in the Official Masters of the University of Valencia in Social Welfare; Social and Cooperative Economy; Development Cooperation and in the Master in Intervention and Management of Juvenile Delinquency (University of Barcelona), Master of Minors at Risk (University of Granada) and in the Doctoral Program of Therapeutic Justice (University of Vigo). He also teaches specialized courses in the training plan for Teaching and Research Staff (teaching methodologies, conflict management in the classroom and research strategies with mixed methods).

Author of more than 50 publications indexed in journals of scientific impact. Coordinator of several books, monographs and more than 70 national and international book chapters indexed in SPI. Co-author -together with Manuel Tarín, in 2006- of the book "Adolescentes en Riesgo; casos Prácticos y Estrategias de Intervención Socioeducativa Madrid, CCS", in 2015 together with M. Mestre, "El marco global de atención al menor" and in 2019 "Trabajo social con menores: el contexto de la infancia, adolescencia y juventud", Tirant lo Blanch.

He has directed innovation projects derived from public calls with the objective of knowledge transfer. In this line of teaching innovation, he is the coordinator of the State Network for Teaching Innovation in Childhood, Adolescence, Youth and Society (REIDIAJS 3.0) which brings together 72 members from 15 universities and 9 areas of knowledge. He is the author of several research documentaries of social content: "Ritmos de La Coma" is an audiovisual material that collects the experiences of children in the neighborhood of preferential action of La Coma (Paterna). A collaborative learning material (Link: His second audiovisual work "Quo vadis, Cannabis?" is a material that addresses the consumption of marijuana in socio-educational key aimed at adolescent consumers of this substance, addressing their level of affectation in everyday life (Link: He is currently working on his third documentary, this time presenting the difficulties of chronic mental illness, in an intimate audiovisual document "Del repudio al olvido: atención y tratamiento de los enfermos mentales crónicos en España" (From repudiation to oblivion: care and treatment of the chronically mentally ill in Spain).

He has directed competitive research projects with results of scientific transfer to society. Among others, the following stand out:

He has participated in transnational research projects dependent on competitive calls; he is currently Principal Investigator of the DAP 360º Project, coordinated with different areas (engineering, basic psychology and behavioral methods). He participates as coordinating researcher of the Universitat de València in the Project "Legalizing gangs. La construcción de asociaciones a partir de agrupaciones juveniles de calle en España, Ecuador y El Salvador: evaluación y prospectiva (2000 - 2025)" of the Convocatoria Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad.

Professor and Visiting Researcher at Münster (Germany), FUNLAM (Medellín), ESAN and UNSM (Lima) and the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). He is a member of national and international research networks, such as Ociogune, Estrategi@s, REDidi and the REJS He is director of the Luis Amigó Chair for the promotion of children, adolescents and youth at risk - Universitat de València


Academic training
Journal Publications
Previous Tasks
Participations in Conferences
Patents, Software and Database
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports