foto Maria Dolores Añon Higon
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Knowledge area: ECONOMIC STRUCTURE (specific)
Department: Economic Structure
(9638) 28343

Dr. Dolores Añón Higón is Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Associate Researcher of the Social and Economic Behaviour Institute (ERI-CES) at the Universitat de València (UV). Before joining the UV in 2008, she worked at Aston University, and Warwick University. Dolores is an applied economist whose main research interest is to understand the drivers and impediments of productivity enhancement, with a particular focus on innovation, digitization, and internationalization strategies. She has published in Industrial and Corporate ChangeInformation & ManagementOxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, among others. Her research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Research (currently as Principal Investigator); the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), the European Commission, the British Academy, the NESTA Foundation, and various government agencies including UKTI, and DTI, as well as local governments (Generalitat Valenciana, Manchester Independent Economic Review) and private sector (BBVA Foundation).

Five selected/recent publications:

  1. Añón Higón, D., Bonvin, D. (2023). Digitalization and trade participation of SMEsSmall Business Economics, In press.
  2. Añón Higón, D. (2023). The persistence and cross-persistence of R&D outsourcing: onshore and offshore strategiesEconomics of Innovation and New Technology, 32:8, 1087-1113.
  3. Añón Higón, D., Bonvin, D. (2022). Information and communication technologies and firms’ export performanceIndustrial and Corporate Change, 31:4, 955–979
  4. Añón Higón, D., J. Gómez, P. Vargas (2017). Complementarities in innovation strategy: do intangibles play a role in enhancing firm performance? Industrial and Corporate Change, 26:5, 2017, 865-886.
  5. Añón Higón, D. (2016). In-house versus external basic research and first-to-market innovations. Research Policy, 45(4), 816-829.

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