

Emilia Matallana Redondo is full Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the University of Valencia and member of the Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio), a joint collaborative research institute involving Universitat de València and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). She has broad experience in yeast molecular biology and her research during the last 20 years has been oriented to wine yeast biotechnology, area where she has published more than 40 JCR papers in international journals. Furthermore, she has leaded several research projects aimed to yeast biotechnological improvement, mainly for the food industry but also for other purposes, as bioethanol production in collaboration with industrial partners. She has participated in different research evaluation agencies (ANEP, CIEMAT, ERA-IB), as expert in food biotechnology. In parallel to her research in biotechnology, she has developed broad teaching and scientific communication activity in that field, and more specifically on genetically manipulated organisms (GMOs), their scientific fundamentals, benefits, and potential risks. She has given numerous lectures for general public, prepared an introductory course on Biotechnology for more-than-55 years-old people, and also audiovisual materials for the Universitat de València.