foto Andrea Olmos Verge
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Department: Organic Chemistry
Universitatd e València Facultad de Farmacia Despacho 4-49

I obtained my Doctoral Thesis in 2009 in the area of Organic Chemistry, more specifically in the study of oxidation reactions with supported reagents under continuous flow conditions in supercritical carbon dioxide, in the University of Valencia. I moved to Patrick Pale's group in the University of Strasbourg. During this period I worked on the development of organic reactions catalyzed by zeolites doped with transition metals.

In 2012 I moved to the University of Huelva first as a juan de la Cierva researcher and later as IP of a Young Researchers Project JIN at Pedro J. Pérez's group. The main objective during this period was the functionalization of non-activated C-H bonds through carbene insertion reactions. I took part in the development of new catalysts for the derivatization of methane and other light alkanes in supercritical CO2, the design and synthesis of new ligands for the selective activation of primary C-H bonds, mechanistic studies and chiral catalysis.

Since January 2019 I work at the university of Valencia as a Ramón y Cajal independent researcher and Group Leader of the group New Challenges in Homogeneous Metal Catalysis (HOMCAT). This group is funded by a MICINN and GVA Research Projects apart from the RYC dotation. The group is centered on the development of new catalysts for the depolymerization reaction of polyethylene, an environmental challenge, and the transformation of unsaturated C-C bonds into value-added products and the generation of molecular complexity under mild and sustainable conditions. Seminar results have been disseminated through publications in Q1 and oral presentations in national and international conferences. Since 2019, AO has supervised 2 Erasmus+ trainees, 5 TFG and 5 TFM, 3 of the later students have incorporated the research group to develop their Doctoral Theses.

Other activities: member of the RSEQ-STVAL government board since May 2021; member of the jury of Reacciona! contest years; member of the organizing committee of the National Chemistry Olimpics years 2020 and 2023.

13/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 11:00 a 12:00 DESPATX
13/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
LUNES de 11:00 a 13:00 DESPATX
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Journal Publications
UV web articles