foto Purificacion Ribes Traver
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Department: English and German
(9639) 83004

Purificación Ribes Traver is Full Professor of English at the University of Valencia, Spain. She has been Director of the Doctoral Programme in English and German Literary Studies 646-155E (1999-2004); Director of the Master’s Degree Programme in Advanced English Studies (2014-2019) and member of the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Language, Literature and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Media Studies (2014-2019).

She has been Head of several research projects on the edition, translation and reception of Early Modern English Literature and has gained official recognition for five six-year periods of international quality research activity.

Her publications include bilingual annotated editions of John Donne’s Songs and Sonnets (Cátedra) and Ben Jonson’s Volpone (Cátedra); bilingual editions of Ausias March’s poems; a monograph on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; the co-edition of a volume on the Reception of the Classics (Univ. of Valencia); Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century English Literature: An Anthology; a number of book chapters on John Donne’s religious poetry (Peter Lang), Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis (Reichenberger), Burnand’s Venus and Adonis (Hakkert), the Spanish reception of Lear’s Fool (Folly in Llull, Cervantes & Shakespeare), the Spanish reception of Jonson’s Volpone (Delaware), Mock-Heroic Poetry (Routledge), as well as numerous articles on Early Modern English Literature in specialized journals such as Modern Language Review (Editing Tourneur’s Volpone), Comparative Drama (American reception of Tourneur’s Volpone), The Journal of English Studies (handwritten miscellanies of the Seventeenth century), International Education Studies (competency-based teaching of Shakespeare), and International Journal of Higher Education (Teaching Petrarchan and Anti-Petrarchan Discourses in Early Modern English Lyrics), among others.

16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
JUEVES de 11:00 a 14:00 DESPATX
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