foto Rosanna Mestre Perez
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Coordinador/a de Mobilitat
Department: Language Theory and Communication Sciences

PhD in Hispanic Philology (2000), with a doctoral thesis on Spanish cinema. Bachelor's Degree in Hispanic Philology (1990), Bachelor's Degree in Audiovsual Communication (1997) and a Degree in Audiovisual Languages (1993), at University of Valencia.

She has been a Visiting Instructor of Spanish at Longwood College, VA (EEUU) (1998-99), currently Longwood University. Since 1999 she teaches at University of Valencia (UV). She has taught undergraduated and graduated courses in Audiovisual Communication, undergraduated courses in Journalism and in Multimedia Engineering at University of Valencia, undergraduated courses at Longwood College, and graduated courses at its headquarters in Mérida (Venezuela) and at University of Oriente at Santiago de Cuba. She has also taught Spanish Cinema, among others classes, in Spanish and English, in several programs of Spanish for USA students (UVA, ISA, UNC and ISU) offered by the International Relations and Cooperation Service at University of Valencia (1990-2017).

Her research lines are the relations between cinema and tourism, and digital communication.

Regardingt the first one, she is co-PI of the international research project Qualitative and quantitative analysis of tourism-inducing factors in audiovisual fiction and their effects on audiences and potential tourists, ref. PID2020-112668GB-I00, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) of the Spanish Government, at University of Valencia, together with Jorge Nieto Ferrando (Universitat de Lleida).

She is the director of the international research team CITur (Cinema, Imaginary and Tourism) at University of Valencia which is a pioneer in Spain regarding the academic research on the relations between cinema and tourism. CITur has developed projects with funding from Generalitat Valenciana (2005-06), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2012-14) and from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2014-20). She has been PI of the previous research project, with Antonia del Rey Reguillo, founder of CITur in 2005.

Among her most recent publications in this field there are:

- 2022 "Entre txantxigorri y txacolin: rutas literarias y cinematográficas que dinamizan el turismo neolocal en el valle del Baztán", en A. del Rey Reguillo y R. Mestre Pérez (coords.), Cine español actual, patrimonio autóctono y turismo, pp. 151-206, Gedisa.

- 2021 "Film Commissions hoy: el cine al servicio de los rodajes y el turismo", pp. 91-100; "El turismo moderno en el cine español", pp. 191-200; "Posturismo en el cine español contemporáneo", pp. 201-215, en A.del Rey Reguillo (ed.), La huella del turismo en un siglo de cine español (1916-2015), Síntesis.

- 2021 62 crítical sheets in A. del Rey Reguillo (ed.), Antología del cine turístico (1916-2015). Síntesis.

- 2020 "Secular Re-Symbolisation of the Santiago Pilgrimage in Spanish Cinema: the Case of The Way and Road to Santiago", L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos, nº30, pp. 17-32.

- 2020 "España, plató de cine: claroscuros de las rutas de cine y televisión". Revista de Estudios Turísticos, nº 220, pp. 9-31.

- 2018 "Japan in Spain. Japanese culture through Spanish eyes in the film Gisaku", Arts, 7(4), 93, Special Issue on Japanese Transnational Cinema, pp. 1-14.

With regard to the second line of research, she has been a member of the R&D group Mediaflows in el project "Ecología de la desinformación: la construcción de las noticias falsas y su impacto en el espacio público"  (AICO2020/224) led by Guillermo López García (Universitat de València). She also has been part of the research team led by Josep Gifreu Pinsach (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) that worked on television and migration (2001-03).

She led two projects of educational innovation at University of Valencia on cooperative work and use of ICT (2009-10 and 2010-11). She has participated in El Mur, a transmedia project (2019-20). She is part of two other innovation projects,  NAPCED 4-0 (blog) focused on digital literary genres and multimedial formats (since 2021-22) and, that explores the possibilities of artificial intelligence in higher education (since 2023-24).

Among her most recent publications in this field there are:

-2023 "Perspectivas emergentes de los medios españoles sobre la IA en la educación superior", en A. Martos Martínez et al. (comp.) Innovación Docente e Investigación en Educación: Nuevas tendencias para el cambio en la enseñanza superior (pp. 437-447). Madrid: Dykinson, con Vanessa Roger Monzó y Yolanda Cabrera García-Ochoa.

- 2023 “La deconstrucción de la información: tipologías de desinformación en redes sociales”, en G. López García (ed.). Ecología de la desinformación y su impacto en el espacio público (pp. 113-136). New York: Peter Lang, con Lorena Cano-Orón, Dafne Calvo y Marta Meneu (DOI).

- 2023 “Creation of digital literary genres in the Degree of Audiovisual Communication”, in Conference Proceedings CIVAE 2023 / MusicoGuía (ed. lit.), 2023, ISBN 978-84-124511-9-1, págs. 251-255, with Nel·lo Pellisser Rossell.

- 2021: Media crisis and disinformation: the participation of digital newspapers in the dissemination of a denialist hoax, El Profesional de la Información, vol. 30, nº 4, con Lorena Cano-Orón, Dafne Calvo y Germán Llorca-Abad.

She has participated in more than fifty scientific events in China, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, the Netherlands or Portugal, besides Spain.

She has served as the director of Aula de Cinema at University of Valencia (2001-02).