foto Miguel Rodrigo Bort
PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A
Department: Electronic Engineering
Despacho 3.2.34

I did a Telecomunications Engineering Degree and a Master in Biomedical Engineering, by Universitat Politécnica de Valencia and Universitat de Valencia. My PhD program was on Technologies of Health and Welfare with the title "Non-invasive identification of atrial fibrillation drivers". I focused my research career on mapping and therapeutical technologies for cardiac arrhythmias, from experimental, clinical and computational aspects. During my pre-doctoral training, I did a research stay at the Center for Arhythmia Research at University of Michigan under the guidance of Dr. O. Berenfeld. On my postdoctoral track, I did a 12-months research period at the Cardiovascular Department of the Stanford University, under the guidance of Dr. S.M. Narayan, and a second 18--months research period at the Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, under the guidance of Dr. F. Atienza. I am founder of two technology-based companies: Corify Health Care S.L. and Proteu Tecnología Aplicada Coop. V. and I usually participate in cardiology and biomedical engineering conferences such as Heart Rhythm, Computer in Cardiology, ACC, AHA, CASEIB, WIICT, etc.

Awards and fellowhips: Best Academic Career prize by the Education Minister, first of my promotion, Best PhD by UPV, Excellence Scholar by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (1 year), Predoctoral Generalitat Valenciana grant (3 years), Predoctoral Research Stay grant (3 months), Postdoctoral GVA grant (2 years),  Eric N. Prystowsky Early Career Researcher Award by the Heart Rhythm Society, twice finalist of the Young Investigation Award by Computing in Cardiology Conference, Best Short Talk by CNIC conference, Premio Sanitaria 2000 Salud de la Comunidad de Madrid, HealthStart price by Madri+d, finalist of the ACC Young Investigator Award.

Principal Investigator of Research projects: Cardiac digital twins for stratification and planning of therapy in arrhythmias, Spanish Research National Agency, PID2020-114291RB-I00; Risk Stratification for Cardiac Arrhythmia based on Fibrosis and Scar-Specific Simulations, Generalitat Valenciana, AICO/2021/318; In-silico models for personalization of atrial fibrillation therapies, Generalitat Valenciana, GV/2018/103.

27/01/2025 - 31/07/2025
VIERNES de 11:00 a 14:00 DESPATX 3.2.34
01/09/2024 - 26/01/2025
JUEVES de 14:30 a 17:30 DESPATX 3.2.34
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València