foto Pilar Soriano Felipe
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Department: Financial and Actuarial Economics
Desp. 5E01, Facultat d'Economia, Universitat de València Av. Tarongers s/n, 46022 València
(9638) 28393

She is senior lecturer/associate professor in the Department of Financial and Actuarial Economics of the Universitat de València (Spain). She holds a licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree) in Business Management and Administration by Universitat de València, a BA (Hons) in European Management by the University of Westminster (United Kingdom) and a PhD in Quantitative Finance by Universitat de València. Her research has been developed in the field of volatility transmission between financial markets, risk management, energy markets and financial ethics. This activity has also been developed as a visiting researcher in different centres such as the Department of Finance of Tilburg University (The Netherlands) and the Department of Economics and Business of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain). Her experience as a researcher is supported by several publications in journals such as Financial Analysts Journal, Quantitative Finance, Review of World Economics, Environmental Economics, Revista de Economía Financiera, Journal of Business Ethics, Sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Risk or Finance Research Letters. She has also research experience from her participation as a collaborating researcher in several projects from public and competitive calls (both regional and national). Finally, her participation in different governing and representative bodies of the university should be highlighted. She was, for instance, vice-dean of the Faculty of Economics of Universitat de València.