foto Vicente Javier Prado Gasco
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Department: Social Psychology
Despacho n113, Facultad de Psicología, piso 1º.
(9638) 64581

Degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia (2006, Extraordinary Award). Master in Human Resources and Organization Management by ESIC Business Marketing School. Valencia (2008). PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology from the University of Valencia (Outstanding Cum Laude) (May 2012). and PhD in Psychology from the University Jaume I of Castellón (Outstanding Cum Laude. International Mention. Extraordinary Award) (24 January 2018). Sexenio vivo by the CNEAI 2014-2020. Accredited to full professor. I have participated in 28 I+d+i projects (being PI of 6) and 24 research contracts. I have more than 100 published articles of which more than 90 are JCR, 14 book chapters and a manual. I have supervised 16 doctoral theses and I am currently supervising 6 theses. I have been granted scholarships from the University of Valencia, the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC), the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). Professor at the European University of Valencia. At the Catholic University of Valencia, the ESIC Business Marketing School, the Valencian International University (VIU), and the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University. Currently, I am a university lecturer in the Department of Social Psychology at the University of Valencia and tutor in three doctoral programs in psychology at the University of Valencia. I have done 20 research stays in national and international universities and worked with researchers from Belgium, Holland, Lithuania, Finland, England, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, United States and Canada. I have been invited speaker in different international congresses and national and international universities. I belong to the editorial board of 6 journals.

Research areas: Social Psychology, Economic and Consumer Psychology, Sports Management, Emotions and Well-being, Psychosocial Risks.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Monday de 12:30 a 14:30. DESPACHO N113 FACULTAD PSICOLOGIA, PISO 1º
First semester
Wednesday de 12:30 a 13:30. DESPACHO N113 FACULTAD PSICOLOGIA, PISO 1º
Second semester
Wednesday de 09:30 a 12:30. DESPACHO N113 FACULTAD PSICOLOGIA, PISO 1º
You participate in the electronic tutoring program of the Universitat de València
Journal Publications
Other publications
Participations in Conferences
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports