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El jove Karl Marx a Velluters
‘El jove Karl Marx’ [Le jeune Karl Marx] (VOS) en Velluters a la fresca

Free entrance

Limited capacity

Bring your seat with you!

112 minutes

Original French version with Valencian subtitles

Director: Raoul Peck

With August Diehl, Stefan Konarske, Vicky Krieps, Olivier Gourmet, Hannah Steele, Eric Godon, Rolf Kanis, Stephen Hogan, Niels-Bruno Schmidt, Ulrich Brandhoff, Denis Lyons, Damien Marchal, Aran Bertetto, Wiebke Adam, Annabelle Lewiston

In Paris in 1844, after going into exile, Karl Marx met Friedrich Engels, who was investigating the birth of the British working class. Engels provided the final piece of the puzzle in young Marx's world view. Together, amidst censorship, police repression, riots and political conflicts, they led the workers' movement as it developed into the modern era.


Date 12 july 2018 at 22:00 to 23:00. Thursday.


plaça del Pilar, València

Organized by

Racó de la Corbella i Assemblea de Ciutat Vella i Botànic

Colabora: Servei de Política Lingüística.



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