Universitat de ValènciaInstituto Universitario de Biotecnología y Biomedicina (BIOTECMED) Logo del portal

Listado de publicaciones

Resultados de la búsqueda21 resultados

  • Comparison of global responses to mild deficiency and excess copper levels in Arabidopsis seedlings

    Andrés-Colás, N.; Perea-García, A.; Mayo de Andrés, S.; Garcia-Molina, A.; Dorcey, E.; Rodríguez-Navarro, S.; Pérez-Amador, M. A.; Puig, S.; Peñarrubia, L.

    (2013). Article


  • The Arabidopsis COPT6 transport protein functions in copper distribution under copper-deficient conditions

    Garcia-Molina, A.; Andrés-Colás, N.; Perea-García, A.; Neumann, U.; Dodani, S. C.; Huijser, P., Peñarrubia, L.; Puig, S.

    (2013). Article

    Plant and Cell Physiology.

  • Arabidopsis copper transport protein COPT2 participates in the cross talk between iron deficiency responses and low-phosphate signaling

    Perea-García, A.; Garcia-Molina, A.; Andrés-Colás, N.; Vera-Sirera, F.; Pérez-Amador, M. A.; Puig, S.; Peñarrubia, L.

    (2013). Article

    Plant Physiology.

  • Calcium- and potassium-permeable plasma membrane transporters are activated by copper in Arabidopsis root tips: linking copper transport with cytosolic hydroxyl radical production.

    Rodrigo-Moreno, A.; Andrés-Colás, N.; Poschenrieder, C.; Gunsé, B.; Peñarrubia, L.; Shabala, S.

    (2012). Article

    Plant Cell Environ.

    DOI: 10.1111/pce.12020
  • The intracellular Arabidopsis COPT5 transport protein is required for photosynthetic electron transport under severe copper deficiency.

    Garcia-Molina, A.; Andrés-Colás, N.; Perea-García, A.; Del Valle-Tascón, S.; Peñarrubia, L.; Puig, S.

    (2011). Article

    Plant J..

    65(6): 848-60

  • Copper homeostasis influences the circadian clock in Arabidopsis

    Perea-García, A.; Andrés-Colás, N.; Peñarrubia, L.

    (2010). Article

    Plant Signal Behav..

    5(10). [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20861682

  • Deregulated copper transport affects Arabidopsis development especially in the absence of environmental cycles.

    Andrés-Colás, N.; Perea-García, A.; Puig, S.; Peñarrubia, L.

    (2010). Article

    Plant Physiol..

    153(1): 170-84

  • Regulation of copper transport in Arabidopsis thaliana: a biochemical oscillator?

    Peñarrubia, L.; Andrés-Colás, N.; Moreno, J.; Puig, S.

    (2010). Article

    J Biol Inorg Chem..

    15(1): 29-36

  • Placing metal micronutrients in context: transport and distribution in plants

    Puig, S.; Peñarrubia, L.

    (2009). Article

    Curr. Opin. Plant Biol..

    12(3): 299-306

  • Induction of a polyubiquitin gene promoter by dehydratation stresses in transformed rice cells

    Perales, L.; Peñarrubia, L.; Cornejo, M. J.

    (2008). Article

    J. Plant Physiol..

    165(2): 159-171