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Temporary incapacity

Settlement of the Governing Council of the Universitat de València to supplement the payments during temporary incapacity until 100% of the remuneration is obtained.

  • In the case of temporary incapacity and retributive supplements

Governing council agreement

Gerencia Resolution on improvements  (infectious diseases, gender violence and serious psychiatric disorders)

  • Procedure for recognition of the 100%

Management instruction

  • Application addressed to the SPMA for the acknowledgement of the 100% additional remuneration

The application has must only be presented in the Environment and Prevention Service in the CASES REFERED IN THE PARAGRAPHS f and g of the ACGUV 18/2013 agreement of the Governing Council. Neither will any application be submitted to SPMA related to infectious diseases (such as influenza), gender violence or serious psychiatric disorders. For these cases, the instructions given in the "Management Resolution on performance improvements"

If the requirements are met, the procedure to follow will be the following:

1. Filling in the application form. Application for the acknowledgment

It is required to specify the starting date or relapse of the medical leave

 2. The following documentation in a close envelope must be presented along with your application form:

  1. A copy of the medical leave certificate made by your doctor (it will be the sample for the worker and the first certificate to be made. The medical confirmation report cannot be used for this purpose)
  2. Any other document of medical nature that the person concerned may consider appropriate.

3. The application and the close envelope with the aforementioned documentation, will be transmitted to the Environment and Prevention Service through the General Register of the UV.