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Regulations on academic validation for participating in activities

The Royal Decree 2007/1393, modified by the RD 2010/861, in the Art. 12.8 states that: According to the article 46.2.1) of the Organic Law 2001/6, of 21 December, of Universities, students may get academic acknowledgement through credits for participating in university cultural, sport, students representation, solidary and cooperation activities. To this effect, the curriculum has to regard the possibility for students to obtain a recognition of at least six credits out of the total of the cv to participate in the so-called activities.

This option provides students the opportunity to undertake activities that favour creativity, to recognise their participation in university life and, in general to complement their studies. So they will acquire a complementary cultural background and a comprehensive, plural and cross-disciplinary training as university students and citizens.

For this, the University should facilitate to students a specific offer which should adapt to the offer of cultural, sport and solidary activities of the UV, to the configuration of the different levels of participation and representation of the students of our institution and to the structure of the curriculums.

The aim of this regulation is to establish the validation criteria.