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Breakfast-meeting: Values in business families

On 4th February there will be a new edition of the breakfast meetings organised by the Universitat de València's Family Business Chair, under the title of “Valores en las familias empresarias: ¿Cómo se asocian al éxito y perdurabilidad de la empresa?” (In English, Values in business families: how they are associated with the company's success and sustainability).


Today's society increasingly calls for an entrepreneurial approach that puts people at the centre of organisations. Thus, promoting the protection of human dignity and their full development, in order to achieve a more prosperous society oriented towards the common good.


This breakfast aims to deepen the keys that will help develop a humanistic vision of business management, capable of creating organisational cultures of greater ethical excellence that are sustainable over time.


In this event the cases and experiences of two business families with excellent business projects will be known. As well as the relationship between the ethical values that they try to convey to their organizations, how they put them into practice in their day-to-day work, and what difficulties they encounter in transmitting them. All making sure that they do not become distorted with the passing of time and the expansion of their business activity.

The meeting's participants will be Rosana Perán, Vice-President of the Pikolinos Group; Vicente Ruiz, president of RNB Cosmetics; and Manuel Guillén, director of the IECO-UV Business Ethics Chair. The meeting will take place on February 4th from 9 a.m. at the SH Valencia Palace Hotel. Click on the link for further information.


Date 4 february 2020 at 09:00 to 10:45. Tuesday.


Hotel SH Valencia Palace

Organized by

Family Business Chair.



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