institutional and business chairsUniversity of València Logo del portal

How to build infrastructures (or not to build) in historic orchards?

On 13th November will take place at the La Nau Cultural Centre the session ‘¿Cómo construir infraestructuras (o no) en las huertas históricas?’ (How to build infrastructures (or not to build) in historic orchards) organised by the Chair for Horta de València: Metropolitan territory and the Chair for Citizen Engagement and Valencian Landscapes of the Universitat de València.


Date 13 november 2019 at 18:00 to 21:00. Wednesday.


Centro Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Cátedra de Participación Ciudadana y Paisajes Valencianos / Cátedra l'Horta de València: Territorio Metropolitano.



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