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Transformative Economies and Finances: Sustainability and Common Good

On 23rd and 24th of April, the Chair EBC (Economy for the Common Good) organises a Course on Transformative Economies and Finances: Sustainability and Common Good, in the headquarters of the University-Business Foundation ADEIT of the Universitat de València.

Since the emergence of the financial and economic crisis in 2008, different economic approaches have appeared that aim to offer an alternative model to the current economic model and transform the economy, based on the values of ethics and humanism.

Older models that emerged in the 19th century with the Industrial Revolution, such as Cooperatives and the Social Economy, and renewed later (Social and Solidarity Economy, Third Sector), emphasised the supremacy of people over capital, and on cooperation as a value that should govern the functioning and relations between people and companies.

Finance has also undergone a major transformation, taking as its antecedent the credit unions and rural banks. The rise in the 1970s of ethical banking, and later of solidarity and collaborative finance, has led to a financial revolution.

All these models propose an economy based on sustainability, understood as the intersection between the economic, social and environmental dimensions. Its origins come from Sustainable Development, first defined in the 1987 United Nations Our Common Future (also known as the Brundtland Report), and offer a quantitative and qualitative leap in Corporate Social Responsibility. Nowadays, Social Responsibility and Sustainability have become key references for organisations, which aim to create not only economic and financial value, but also social and environmental value.

The main purpose of the course is to provide a broad perspective on the main models of transformative economy and finance that are currently available. More specifically, the following models based on sustainability are analysed: Economy for the Common Good, Corporative Sustainability, Civil Economy, Social and Solidarity-based Economy and Sustainable Finance.

Registration will remain open until the 9th April 2020. More information in the following link.


ScheduleFrom 23 april 2020 to 24 april 2020. Thursday and friday at 16:00 to 19:30.


ADEIT University-Business Foundation

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