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Available the sessions of the cycle “People and its environment.”

  • January 19th, 2022

If you missed the sessions of the online cycle “People and its environment” on how the SDGs influence us, the compilation is now available for you to watch.

Joves parlant. Càtedra Cooperació i Desenvolupament Sostenible UV.Since September 2020 we have been organising a series of online sessions on how the SDGs, mainly 1 to 5, influence people.

We have discussed health and food, sustainability in university teaching, the impact of nature on people, the digital divide, international cooperation, ethical finance, creative economy... with various professionals from different fields.

Si no pudiste asistir en su momento, o si hubo alguna sesión que te gustó tanto que la quieres volver a ver o compartir, en este enlace las puedes encontrar todas: