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The Chair analyses in À Punt the impact of AI in the work environment

  • Chair for Collaborative Economy and Digital Transformation
  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • December 13rd, 2023

On 13 December, professor Adrián Todolí was interviewed on the news programme ‘Les NTC del matí’ on À Punt Ràdio, where he analysed the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the work environment.

Intervenció d'Adrian Todolí en À punt

The digital revolution is underway, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of this disruptive change. In this interview, professor Adrián Todolí, co-director of the Chair for Collaborative Economy and Digital Transformation, shared his research on how AI can save repetitive tasks while posing a significant threat to workers.

Todolí authored a book on productive and extractive algorithms and how digitalisation may be regulated to improve employment and incentivise innovation. In addition, he highlighted that algorithms are transforming the labour market. He claimed that AI can be an opportunity if it is implemented as a real productive tool and welfare policies are consolidated.

A key concern is the deterioration of working conditions, since AI can lead to a decline in them. “AI may take your salary, not your job,” he warned, stressing the need to negotiate working conditions fairly and avoid discrimination or excessive exploitation by algorithms.

Todolí stressed that algorithms play a crucial role in selection processes, with 72% of CVs being discarded in the first phase because of this technology. He warned that some algorithms may show gender bias, with a statistical preference for hiring men.

Moreover, we must be vigilant against “extractive” algorithms that increase productivity through intensive surveillance of workers, since they usually have negative consequences such as an increase in accidents at work. “Some uses of AI are negative in terms of worker control, so they need to be regulated,” Todolí pointed out.

In Spain, one of the leading countries in the use of AI in Europe, companies are adopting this technology at an accelerated pace. This raises crucial questions about the future of work and the need for effective regulation. In this new digital era, it is essential to address these issues to ensure a fair and sustainable future for work.