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Dialogue process for the strengthening of the cooperation for the development in Valencian local entities.

  • February 21st, 2013
Logo de la Càtedra UNESCO de la Universitat de València

The UNESCO Chair about Studies of the Development and the Board South-North (Patronat Sud-Nord) of the General Foundation of UV (Fundació General de la Universitat de València) drive, together with the Platform 2015 and more (2015 y más), a dialogue process for the strengthening of the cooperation for the development of the Valencian local entities. The inaugural meeting, about the decentralized cooperation, took place in the Resident Hall Rector Peset, on Wednesday 20.

This initiative is set as a reflection space and a collective purpose with the aim to improve the planning, the accountability and the social communication to the cooperation for the development, realized from Valencian local entities.
The dialogue process, structured in three conferences and several workshops, will take place between the months of February and June 2013.
On Wednesday 20 February, took place the presentation act in which Ignacio Martínez, from Platform 2015 and more, specified the work methodology.
The inaugural conference was conducted by Koldo Unceta, Full Professor of Applied Economics for the UPV, who reflected about the current context and the future challenges of the decentralized cooperation.
The act was presented by the manager of the UNESCO Chair of the UV, Guillermo Palao.
The next conference, under the title “The South in the media”(“El sur en los medios de comunicación”) will take place on 16 April, at 7:00 p.m., and will be conducted by Ramón Lobo, expert journalist in conflictive areas.
It will close the sessions the presentation of the conclusions of the dialogue process and a series of recommendations in the field of planning, communication, management and transparence of the cooperation, elaborated by cooperation technicians and reunited experts for groups and workshops, during these months.
The three main activities will take place in the Exhibition Space of Resident Hall Rector Peset, from the UV, though the process of dialogue will be settled too in other emplacements, such as the universities UPV and UA; and has the collaboration of the Cooperation Centre for the Development (Centro de Cooperación para el Desarrollo) and the Development, Cooperation and Ethics from the UPV, the Valencian Coordinator of the ONGD, the UJI and the Interuniversity Institute for the Local Development (Institut Interuniversitari de Desenvolupament Local), (IIDL), with financial help of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation (Agencia Españoa de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo), (AECID).
This process undergoes with the analytic revision, which under the cooperation in Valencian Public Administrations, presented the scholars Juanjo Iborra and Guillermo Santander in 2012.