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The Chair for Agri-food Cooperatives UV successfully organises a seminar on tax innovations

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • Lourdes Aguilera Bermudez
  • February 7th, 2024

Sponsored by AgroBank, the Chair for Agri-food Cooperatives organised on 2 February an online seminar titled ‘2024 Tax Innovations for Cooperatives’ (orig. Novedades fiscales 2024 para las cooperativas).

The webinar was aimed especially at the cooperative sector, and presented the tax modifications and regulations that may affect agri-food cooperatives. In addition, the activities that the Chair plans to carry out in the following months were also discussed.

During the seminar, we will welcome the participation of the head of the Chair for Agri-food Cooperatives and professor of Financial and Tax Law at the Universitat de València, Pilar Alguacil Marí, and Tomás Rojas Pacheco, Chief Financial Officer of the Agri-food Cooperatives in Spain.

Pilar Alguacil will give a presentation on the latest developments in the cooperative sector and will explain how to approach the current year 2024 based on the 2023 situation. 

The presentation is structured into four sections:

  1. •    Regulatory changes:the Royal Decrees and Royal Decrees-Laws that were recently passed are discussed, as well as specific articles and repeals that have taken place. Some of the issues discussed are the Value-Added Tax (VAT) or R&D (research and development) deduction.
  2. •    Jurisprudence: an overview of the most relevant jurisprudence currently affecting agri-food cooperatives in Spain.
  3. •    Administrative doctrine. The most relevant doctrine will also be discussed.
  4. •    Raised issues from users throughout 2023 through CAE or other forums. Pilar Alguacil will discuss a set of the most interesting and useful cases that she has personally selected.

The 90-minute long video, as well as all their videos, is available on the Chair’s YouTube channel and on the Chair’s institutional web.