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The International Finance Chair-Banco Santander offers a conference on energy communities

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • April 16th, 2024
Fotografía de cuatro personas sosteniendo cada una una bombilla.

The lecture entitled "Energy Communities: a more humane energy model" will take place on 29 April 2023 at 17:00 in the Manuel Sánchez Ayuso Hall of the Faculty of Economics.

The guest speaker will be the engineerJuan Sacri, President of Sapiens Energía

Sacri is an industrial engineer specialised in the energy sector. Since 2007 he has worked on projects in the wind energy sector in Spain, the Netherlands and Germany. In 2015 he changed his professional direction and decided to focus on promoting projects related to the energy transition. 

Cartel de la conferencia

As president of Sapiens Energía, he promotes the promotion of energy communities to make renewable energy more economical, fair and democratic, as members of energy communities obtain, manage and use their own energy.