institutional and business chairsUniversity of València Logo del portal

Meeting of the Joint Committee of the UV Chair for a New Green Transition

  • April 20th, 2023

The meeting was held online on Tuesday 18 April 2023.

The meeting was attended by members of the Joint Committee of the Chair for a New Green Transition of the Universitat de València, including the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer of the UV, Rosa Donat Beneito; the Director of the UV Chair, Aurora Pedro Bueno; Jose Miguel Soriano del Castillo, member of the Chair Committee; Marc Aparisi Martí, General Director of Institutional Coordination of the Second Vice-Presidency; Enric Juan Alcocer, General Director of Ecological Transition of the Valencian Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition; and Blanca Martinez Martinez, Head of Service of Institutional Coordination and Analysis of the Second Vice-Presidency.

The agenda included the approval of the minutes of the previous Committee and the proposal of the Chair’s activities for 2023.