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New participation of Prof. Sonia Rodríguez of the Chair for the Culture of Mediation in Unisocietat

  • November 25th, 2021
Sonia Rodríguez Llamas of the UV
Prof. Sonia Rodríguez Llamas, Universitat de València

Professor Sonia Rodríguez Llamas has participated in the new Programa Universitat i Societat (Unisocietat).

The conference given by Prof. Sonia Rodríguez Llamas, from the Department of Civil Law at the Universitat de València and member of the Institutional Chair for the Culture of Mediation UV, was entitled "Si no trobes solució... prova amb la mediació", and was held in Cullera on 16 November 2021 at 19:00 pm in the city auditorium.

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society continues with the series of conferences of the Universitat I Societat of Alzira. The Universitat i Societat programme in Alzira is the result of the commitment of the Alzira Town Council, with the support of the Universitat de València, to lifelong learning.
