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Registration for the 2nd one-day Conference on Socio-educational Accompaniment for Adolescents and Young people is now open

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • May 20th, 2024
Cartel de la Jornada

Registration is open until 30, May for the conference, which will take place on 31 May 2024 in the Assembly Hall of the UV’s Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy.

The aim of the 2nd one-day Conference on Socio-educational Accompaniment for Adolescents and Young people is to further develop the socio-educational accompaniment model and to try to implement it in the territory. The conference will be held at the UV’s Faculty of Psychology (Blasco Ibáñez) and is addressed to the professionals working with young people, regardless of their field of activity or type of institution in which they work.

Please fill in the following form to register for the conference:

Registration form

Programme of the 2nd one-day Conference on Socio-educational Accompaniment for Adolescents and Young people

8:45am Welcome reception
9:15am Opening of the conference:

  • Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer of the Universitat de València Rosa Donat Beneito
  • General Director of the Valencian Institute for Young People Vicent Ripoll Gimeno
  • Director of the Youth Chair of the Universitat de València Paz Viguer Seguí
  • President of the Ribera Alta Municipalities Association Francisca Momparler Orta
  • Mayor of Aldaia Guillermo Luján Valero

9:35am Conference and debate: ‘Opportunity spaces and accompaniment processes for the empowerment of young people’.

  • With: Pere Soler Masó, Departament of Pedagogy of the University of Girona and Director of the Joint Master’s Degree in Youth and Society.
  • Presented by: Maria Josep Picó i Gracés, journalist and professor of Language Theory and Communication Sciences at the UV.

10:45am Coffee break
11:15am Workshops:

  1. The identity of adolescents and young people. Associate Professor Juanjo Zacarés and Adjunct Professor and Youth Expert Alicia Sara Garcia Peris (Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology of the UV).
  2. The creation of a link and the accompaniment of young people. Cristina Tiana and David Abellàn. Open Environment Project of El Prat del Llobregat.
  3. Community work with young people. Andrea Ariza and Mireia López. La Dula Cooperative.
  • Each workshop will last 40 minutes. The attendees will be split into 3 groups and will rotate through the workshops.

1:30pm Presentation of the “Guide for the creation of projects of socio-educational accompaniment”, by Jonatan Ruiz and Salvador Avià (UV Youth Chair).
1:45pm - 2:15pm End of the conference

  • The relationship between the workshops, by Jonatan Ruiz (Youth Professionals Association of the Valencian Community, APJCV), Marcos Garcia-Vidal (Social Educators Association of the Valencian Community) and Eli Català (Organising Committee).
  • Conclusions by Maria Josep Picó.