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The University of Valencia and the Science Space of the Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporània commemorate the figure of Charles Darwin Wednesday 12

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • February 7th, 2020

The University of Valencia and the Science Space of the Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporània commemorate the figure of the English naturalist on Wednesday 12, February. With the aim of highlighting the scientific contributions of Charles Darwin, the French researcher Simonetta Gribaldo, of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, will give the conference “Archaea and the tree of life”, in the Darwin Room on the Burjassot-Paterna campus, at 1pm.

In the afternoon, the Octubre CCC cafeteria will host the science bar “La dansa de l’evolució i la biodiversitat” (‘The Dance of Evolution and Biodiversity’), which will have the participation of researcher Pau Carazo and researcher Raquel Ortells of the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Valencia. The science bar will be moderated by journalist Reis Juan.


The Science Space is a program of activities sponsored by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Acció Cultural del País Valencià and the Chair of Science Dissemination / Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Valencia, with the support from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Fan Set Bookshop and Mètode magazine.





Darwin Hall, Burjassot-Paterna Campus, University of Valencia, 1pm


Confererence “Archaea and the tree of life”, by Simonetta Gribaldo, of the Pasteur Institute, Paris.


Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporània, 7pm


Science bar “La dansa de l’evolució i la biodiversitat” (‘The Dance of Evolution and Biodiversity’) on the occasion of the publication of the monograph of the Mètode magazine “Formes infinites: Escenaris evolutius per a desxifrar la biodiversitat” (‘Infinite forms: Evolutionary scenarios for deciphering biodiversity’). With the participation of Pau Carazo and Raquel Ortells, of the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the University of Valencia and of Reis Juan as moderator.


This activity is supported by: Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Institut Français, Ambassade de France en Espagne, Societat Catalana de Biologia, Acció Cultural del País Valencià, Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporània (OCCC), Chair of Science Dissemination / Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Valencia (UV), Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, The Ministry of Science and Innovation, Mètode magazine, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Faculty of Biological Sciences (UV), Natural History Museum (UV), Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (UV) and the Institute of Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio, UV-CSIC).
