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In developing the proposal for students admission to the doctoral programme, the CAD will consider the number of doctors in each specific teaching area
available to attend tutoring or supervision activities of new doctoral theses, according to that stated in the Article 13.1.a of the Regulations on Official Postgraduate studies of the University of Valencia. The number of places offered for each specific teaching area may vary annually based on such availability. The CAD will prepare the proposal for new students admission after assessing the merits alleged in the applications which meet the previous entry requirements, always referred to the
corresponding specific didactics:
A 1. Research topic proposal (30%): Quality of the presented proposal and adaptation to the research lines of the corresponding specific didactics developed in the University of Valencia.
A 2. Research activity (20%): To benefit from a grant for training of research staff (FPU, FPI or equivalents). Participation in competitive research projects and level of engagement of these research projects with the research lines of the corresponding specific didactics developed in the University of Valencia.
A 3. Research publications (20%): Authorship of articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, etc.
A 4. Postgraduate academic record (15%): Marks obtained in the alleged master’s degrees or doctoral programmes. In the case of
holding the Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (a tertiary education degree) or the Research Proficiency, the marks of the doctoral studies
completed must be also presented, and they will be considered by the CAD.
A 5. Expression of interest (15%): Interest shown to the research on the corresponding specific didactics, expressed in a written
statement submitted during the pre-enrolment and, if the CAD deems it necessary, a personal interview.
All the alleged merits must be accredited. The merits that are not credited on time and form will not be
considered by the CAD.