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  1. Academic and administrative fees
  2. Exemptions and reductions
  3. Payment terms and deadlines


  1. Academic and administrative fees

Enrolment fees are set each year by the Valencian government according to:

  • The number of credits
  • The extent of the practical component of the qualification
  • Other administrative fees
  1. Exemptions and reductions


If you have applied for a grant, you do not have to pay tuition fees (academic fees for teaching activities) until your application for a grant is denied. Once you are notified of this denial, payment must be made within 20 days. However, tuition fees can be charged if it is found that academic requirements are not met.

Families with 3 or more children

Members of a family with 3 or more children can benefit from:

  • Special category: total exemption from payment of fees.
  • General category: 50% reduction

Single-parent family

Members of a single-parent family can benefit from:

  • For special category: total exemption from payment of fees.
  • General category: 50% reduction.

Victims of armed organizations and terrorist

Students who have been victims of terrorism, as well as their spouses (not legally separated) and children are exempt from paying fees.

Victims of gender-based violence

Students who have been victims of gender-based violence, as well as their dependent children under 25 years of age, are exempt from paying fees.

Students with disabilities

Students who have a disability equal to or greater than 33% are exempt from paying fees.

A with honours earned in credits within the same programme of study

Being awarded an A with honours in one or more subjects within the same programme of study will result in a reduction in the tuition fees of the following academic year for the same amount of credits which earned the honours.

Students who have been subject to the system of protection of minors, or to the judicial system of reeducation in some period of the three years before the age of majority.

Students who are in a situation of social exclusion.

  1. Payment terms and deadlines

  • Direct debit: in a single payment, in two or in eight instalments. For this, the applicant must fill in the data of a Spanish bank account during online enrolment.
  • Credit card: payments are due during the same periods as direct debit payments. Payment must be made through the UV online payment platform (UV Online Office) no later than 7 days after the issue of the payment slip.

     All applicants will be issued a payment slip payable for administrative fees and student insurance, even if they have applied for a grant prior to the issuance of the payment slip.

     If your grant application is turned down, a payment slip will be issued for the fees due. If you chose to pay in eight instalments, the corresponding amount will be payable in the instalments pending.

    Bear in mind the deadlines published to avoid cancellation of enrolment for non-payment.

Consequences of non-payment

The non-payment of tuition fees, or of an instalment, will result in the automatic cancellation of enrolment, without entitlement to a refund of the amounts paid. The marks obtained by students in this situation will be discarded.

When enrolment has been cancelled in the last two academic years due to non-payment, acceptance of a new enrolment application will be subject to the full prior payment of tuition fees.

Students who have paid the tuition fees after the deadline set or those who chose direct debit payment and whose bank account could not be debited in due time for reasons attributable to them will have to pay the non-payment handling fees, which are established every year, in addition to bank interests on the unpaid amount, where appropriate.