The University-Company ADEIT Foundation manages the work placements in companies of the Master’s students.
During the academic year 2018-19 the students of the Master made their period of training practice in the following companies:
3e Auditores de Cuentas S.L |
ADC Infraestructuras y Sistemas, S.L. - Castellón - Av. del Mar 51 |
Asesoría Eugenio Sevilla, S.L. |
Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia - APV |
BDO Auditores, S.L. - Pintor Sorolla |
Bollore Transport Logistics Spain, S.A.U |
Capgemini España, S.L. |
Compañía Levantina de Edificación y Obras Públicas, S.A. |
Daimler Group Services Madrid, S.A. |
Deloitte, S.L. |
Ernst & Young, S.L. |
Eurogroup, S.A. |
Expo Grupo, S.A. |
Gesadming Consulting, S.L. |
Grant Thornton, S.L.P.U. |
HGBS Consourcing, S.L.U. |
Hotel Balneario de Ariño, S.L. |
IDCQ Hospitales y Sanidad, S.L. - Hospital Quirónsalud Valencia |
JLB Auditores, S.L. |
Luis Caruana & Asociados, S.L. |
Masfic, S.L. |
Moore Stephens Ibergrup, SAP |
Pares Contadores & Asesores S.A.C. |
Pleta Auditores, S.L.P. |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L.-Valencia |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L. - Madrid |
Sanlucar Fruit S.L. |
Soluciones Cuatroochenta, S.L. |
Yanfeng Spain Automotive Interior Systems, S.L. |
Management of work placements D. Inmaculada Ferragud