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Master’s degree planned activities

Activities in 2015:

Activity Person in charge Term
Primitive vertebrates of the Iberian Mountain Range in Teruel Héctor Botella (hector.botella@uv.es) From 17 to 19 April
Mesozoic vertebrates in Alpuente Carlos Martínez (cmp@uv.es) 1 and 2 May
Tertiary Mammals from the Ribesalbes-Alcora basin Francisco J. Ruiz (francisco.ruiz@uv.es);and Vicente Crespo  (vicente.crespo@uv.es)

This activity and Almenara’s activity are postponed until September

Choral associations in reef systems. Hugo Corbí (hugo.corbi@ua.es) July
Tertiary vertebrates of Almenara-Casablanca sites Francisco J. Ruiz (francisco.ruiz@uv.es) September