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Visits to Firms

Consum 04/16/2015 Students of MBA of the Universitat de València visited the Logistic Platform of General Goods of Consum The storage facilities have a surface of 33.000 square metres and stores dry feeding, drugstore, perfumery and bazaar products. The visit was completed with interesting explanations by the logistics managers of this leading company in the sector.
Vinos de la Viña 10/17/2014 José Agustín Martínez, manager of the cooperative, met the students of the third edition of the MBA, who met the management peculiarities of a cooperative society, as well as the internationalisation procedure of the company and its new project of wine tourism. The talk was completed with the visit to the facilities.
Celler del Roure 10/17/2014 Pablo Calatayud, winery’s manager, was in charge of a new edition of the MBA to see at first hand the creation and growing process of the organisation and its productive process. This year, the new broths were the star of the talk that was completed with a visit to the facilities.
ANECOOP 10/3/2014 MBA students visited the facilities of the central office of ANECOOP to receive a seminar in situ titled “ANECOOP. Commercialisation and Internationalisation.” The seminar was given by José Balaguer and Carlota Pardo, from the Department of Commercialisation and Marketing.
Puerto de Valencia 05/21/2014 MBA students visited the Port of Valencia. They walked through the facilities and received a seminar in the Headquarters of the Port Authority.
Chocolates Valor 04/11/2014 The students toured through the Chocolates Valor Museum and the facilities of the factory and they saw the fabrication process of chocolate bars. Finally, they were received by Pedro López (Managing Director of Chocolates Valor). With him, the students analysed the values of the company and its major milestones, including the most recent ones. The students had the opportunity of raising many questions on the strategies carried out.
Panama Jack 04/11/2014 MBA students visited the headquarters of Panama Jack in Elche (Alicante). They were received by Nuria Pensa, responsible of marketing and pubic relations, and visited the spaces in which collections are created, the warehouses of raw materials and the headquarters of the online shop. The talk focused on the origins and development of the enterprise, its experience in China and the participation in different social projects.
Grupo Keraben 03/26/2014 MBA students moved to the headquarters of the Grupo Keraben where received a seminar in situ on the strategy and policy of the group of new products.
  Cavas Freixenet 3/03/2014 MBA students were received by the President of the Freixenet Group, D. José Luis Bonet Ferrer, who described the history, evolution and current situation of the Freixenet Group as worldwide leader.
AECOC 3/03/2014

The students visited the AECOCLab, which was shown to them by Guillermina and Javier Blanco.  AECOCLab is a reference site in the identification and application of the latest tendencies and technologies that help firms to know and give effective answers to the needs of the consumers / buyers.  In this space, AECOC shows the functioning of the entire value chain and the importance of promoting efficient processes in the codification, exchange of information and commercialisation and marketing fields.


"El celler del Roure" 

10/04/2013 The students, attended by Pablo Calatayud, manager of the celler, could see at first hand the creation and growing process of the organisation and its productive process. The talk was completed with the visit to the facilities.

S. Coop.

“Vinos de la Viña”

 10/04/2013 José Agustín Martínez, manager of the cooperative, mingled with the students who met the management peculiarities of a cooperative society, as well as the internationalisation procedure of the firm and the international commercialisation particularities. The talk was completed with the visit to the facilities.